Topic: Site Changelog

January 26, 2016

Hotfix: January 27, 2016
  • Bug Fixed an issue where posts would occasionally get the wrong image on upload
  • Bug Fixed broken wiki page report links
  • Hid view counters since we have yet to fix them, and showing them at 0 all the time is confusing
Hotfix: January 26, 2016
  • Bug Fixed issue that prevented voting on comments
  • Bug Fixed issue with uploading webm using upload by url
  • Improved ticket sorting

Hello everyone. Major update to our backend software which should increase performance quite a bit. In fact, early measures show that it actually cut our server load in half (see for yourself :3. It should also help us implement new features in the future, as well as being generally more reliable than before.

Anyways, onto the specifics.

  • New (priv+) Enabled DText anchors for the forums
  • Bug Fixed issue with escaped backslashes disappearing on edit
  • Bug Fixed issue where inline code would match line breaks
  • Bug Made `inline code` and \
tags more respectful of newlines 
* [color=yellow]Bug[/color] Partial fix for stuff getting parsed as DText within \`inline code\` and \[code] tags. In the mean time `\[section]` and other block-level tags can be fixed manually by backslash escaping them (e.g., `\\\[section]`) 


* [color=yellow]Bug[/color] [color=lightgray](Admin)[/color] Fixed exception caused by approving/deleting without selecting an alias/implication first (now gives a pretty error message)
* [color=yellow]Bug[/color] Fixed issue where disallowed characters (e.g., `-~*`) caused a nonremovable blank tag to get added in certain conditions (now adds [[invalid_tag]] instead)
* Added `#` and `\\` to the list of disallowed characters in tags. `#` for DText anchors, and `\\` because it tends to get added randomly when trying to hit the enter key (both were basically unused anyways)
* [color=yellow]Bug[/color] Fixed issue where you could alias/imply a tag to itself


* Updated placeholder text in sources to look less like an actual source and more like a placeholder
* [color=lime]New[/color] Added dimensions to webm posts
* Revamped uploads
** Upload by URL is now its own field (See below for API change)
** Made the upload form accept `url`, `rating`, `tags`, `source`, `description`, and `parent` params to pre-fill fields (before it only allowed `url`)
** [color=lime]New[/color] [color=lightgray](Admin)[/color] Added domain whitelist for uploading from URL. Common domains should be mostly added now with some stragglers filling out over the next couple days. To request adding a new domain, see forum #181740
** [color=yellow]Bug[/color] Fixed tab order on upload page
** Disabled enter key in tags textarea (just on upload page for now)


There are a couple name changes to the API that, although they are minor, will likely break some uploading scripts. This change was both to utilize the new upload by URL field, and to make the API slightly more intuitive. 

* `post[upload_url]` -> URL to upload from (was `post[source]`)
* `post[source]` -> Actual "Source" field contents (was `post[sourceurl]`)
* [color=lime]New[/color] Added /post/check_md5 API call for ease of use

h4. Comments/comment votes

* Cleaned up comment code
* Users can no longer vote on their own comments
* [color=yellow]Bug[/color] Fixed weird error caused by a combination of legacy code and conflicting conditions ("Thanks randomhajile!":/forum/show/28544?page=63#post-169430)
* More to come


* [color=lightgray](Admin)[/color] Changed default sort in tickets to put pending/under investigation ones first (previously sorted by newest, which tended to cause some tickets to get forgotten about)
* Minor layout tweaks for dmail index. Now truncates titles longer than 80 characters
* Removed a couple links on the site index that are no longer needed
* Removed some leftover references to ambiguous tags
* [color=yellow]Bug[/color] Fixed issue with artists, sets, and pools where names like `Some_Name` and `some_name` weren't getting treated as being duplicates.
* [color=lime]New[/color] Added report button for reporting wiki pages

Updated by anonymous