Topic: Furry Network Caves to Whining/Entitled Furries and Bans Explicit Cub

HypnoBitch said:
I wish I could talk fancy with law and order like all of you guys, but I'm not exactly at that level. But what I do understand that is that there are people who want to take our freedoms away, and they actually seem to have the ability to do it. And that actually scares me. If cub porn is banned from e621, then I will have given up on this community, because I think this is the only site that actually gives a shit about our freedoms.

Looking at cub on e621 is a privilege rather than a freedom.

Unless you are using some kind of decentralized and uncensorable image swapping service, or run a centralized booru or image host yourself, you are at risk of having content you like removed.

If your ability to draw, host, distribute, discuss, or think about cub was made illegal, then that is your freedom being taken away.

If your ability to access e621 was restricted, as it has been in at least one country, that might be considered your freedom being taken away.

Updated by anonymous