Topic: Unbanning Cub Porn?

Please refrain from causing any drama.

I know many furries are very passionate about this issue, even furries who aren't into cub. (I thought when FN banned it, i thought the biggest reaction would come from the cub lovers and i thought "meh, i don't care", but then i saw that many furries who aren't into cub were VERY angry, so, i decided "okay, i'll join too.") So i thought, why we stop laying around and actually do something about these bans. Let's try to UNBAN CUB.

I'm free to hear what your suggestions on how to do it. hashtag campaigns, petitions, protest, ANYTHING. then hopefully, we can execute these actions and bring back the cub to the furry websites.

And before any of you Anti-Cub-ers, try to say "what hold on a minute!", i'm going to debunk any cub myths.

1, and this is the worst reason: "I don't like it!", "it's offensive!", "it makes me uncomfortable!". Um, no, just because YOU don't like it, or makes you uncomfortable ISN'T a reason to ban it, it will be very unfair for the people who DO like it.

2: "It encourages pedophilia!" Um, still no, scientific evidence proves that cub art DOES NOT lead to real pedophilia, in fact, it actually HELPS PREVENT real child rape, because logically, it's like the "punching the pillow effect" and that, it's A LOT easier to go on the internet and rub one off than to actually go out there, rape a child, and possibly go to jail for the rest of their lives. So no, the "it encourages pedophilia" rhetoric can be applied to ANY kink, even the entire furry fandom as a whole, (which is the SAME rhetoric people who HATE furries use.) So, no.

3: "It's illegal!" actually, no, there's actually a federal law in the US that states that FICTIONAL child pornography is legal. (That fact ACTUALLY surprised me.) So even a federal law allows cub porn.

4, and this is one of the more sympathetic: "It's the reason why people hate furries!" That may be true, but banning it isn't going to help. don't forget that there is IN GENERAL furry porn that people, as well as fursuiting, fursonas, etc. So if we ban all those, we wouldn't have a furry fandom. This saying is very fitting: "A nerd wearing less nerdy cloths will still get made fun of." So again, no.

5, the most sympathetic one: "what about those people who experience child rape or knows someone who does, what will they think." And if you do i'm sorry to hear that. I'll let you know that the furry fandom will condemn any REAL child rape. If you ask any furry who is into cub about child rape, even THEY will think it's disgusting and wrong. I'm very confident the furry fandom will condemn real child rape.

So there, all myths busted. No need to debate.

I do have some gripes about the "Pro-cub"s though, but i feel if i say what i'll get slugged. If this thread remains civil i probably won't have to say it.

Updated by savageorange