Topic: [Feature] Tagging by Software

Requested feature overview description.
A new type of tag, in a new color, where people can tag the software that was used to create an image.

What this would look like

Why would it be useful?
Many users already try to tag art with the software used to make it (especially when it comes to 3D models). As such, you'll find tags for Blender (mostly removed due to TWYS), SFM, and probably others. There are thousands of posts tagged in this manner, yet the tags almost never apply under the current system because you can't see blender or other software in the image.

However, there is a distinct difference in quality in images using different programs, in many cases.


Here's some (safe) recent posts using Source Filmmaker
post #1593025 post #1591000 post #1583816

Here's the most recent posts using Daz3D:
post #1578486 post #1578482 post #1578481

Here's some (safe) recent posts using Blender:
post #1594780 post #1591664 post #1590514

As you can see, there are pretty significant differences in style and quality based on the 3D modeling programs used to create the artwork. I personally like looking for 3D models, but I'm not really interested in the type of quality that comes from SFM.

Right now, an overwhelming majority of SFM posts are incorrectly tagged as they do not fit the "Tag What You See" profile. Recently, almost all posts tagged with Blender had the tag removed for the same reason (mostly by myself and an admin), but I feel as though these tags could be very useful under the right tag type.

From the standpoint of searches (which is what tagging is all about), we tag artists as often as possible, even when they're never in the picture. I feel that for the purpose of searches, it makes sense to have a "software" or "medium" category so we can actually sort posts in a more effective manner.

What part(s) of the site page(s) are affected?
Mainly the tagging / searching.

Updated by AngryDraconequus