Topic: Tag Alias: snowy_(psychobat) -> snowy_(rubix)

Aliasing snowy_(psychobat) → snowy_(rubix)
Link to alias


Artist who was at FA username psychobat has moved to FA username rubix. says
"I've changed accounts ...
You're watching a dead account :O I'm disabling this soon
... I've got tons more art at rubix and I think I've gotten a lil better. "

For when people find art of this Snowy character, but artist links to psychobat acccount.
Example: says "Snowy spending some time in the snow~
... Commission
... psychobat" (already addded at post #34746 )

EDIT: The tag alias snowy_(psychobat) -> snowy_(rubix) (forum #259391) has been rejected by @NotMeNotYou.

Updated by auto moderator