Topic: PSA: How to report bad behavior

NotMeNotYou said:

  • generally being a douche to other users

I feel that if this point was a bit less vague it could prevent some misreporting. A lot of the forum regulars tend to be quite blunt and sarcastic, so new users might be more inclined to report them not by breaking any rules but just for the fact that they said something in a way the user dislikes

Unless of course one of the ideas behind this PSA was discouraging that kind of behaviour from veteran users, but in that case there would be probably clearer ways of communicating that.


NotMeNotYou said:

    • this means if someone was a bit creepy 2 months ago, and hasn't been creepy against since then, we assume they grew as a person and realized it's creepy on their own

I believe "against" was supposed to be "again" in this line

Updated by anonymous