Topic: [Feature] Flash needs an overhaul

Requested feature(s) overview description.

I. Posts should be able to be updated in-place with a new image.

II. Flash (and other media with all-white thumbnails) posts should be able to be given a custom thumbnail.

III. The post types affected by II should have a "type bubble" of their own.

Why would it be useful?

I. Games like Corruption of Champions would cause less of a moderation headache with only one version floating around.

II. As it stands, it's impossible to tell the difference between all the flash content without going in and loading it. Sure you could probably get an idea of what it is by looking at the artists, but I sure can't keep them straight. Poor UX IMO.

III. has actually already been implemented but only with "WEBM" and "ANIM" type content as far as I can tell.

What part(s) of the site page(s) are affected?

  • Post lists
  • Edit UI
  • User Experience (UX)
  • Moderation

Updated by ikdind