Topic: Tag Implication: horned_humanoid -> horn

Implicating horned_humanoid → horn
Link to implication


A horned humanoid, like a winged humanoid to wings, is a humanoid who has horns. They inherently have to have horns. Pretty self explanatory to me.

Semi related humanoid discussion that has been discussed before that I want to bring up: should we have base species *_humanoid tags that each animal_humanoid implies? IE: cat_humanoid implies feline_humanoid, and base feline_humanoid would imply animal_humanoid and feline. If this idea is liked rather than directly implying their base species they would imply their base species_humanoid tags. The sectioned text below show what the implications would be IF agreed upon; if not agreed upon, just ignore the section.

Related humanoid implications

Related humanoid aliases

Base species animal humanoid implications

