Topic: Clarification on cool_colors



Hopefully a quick one.

The testing of my tagging bot for cool_colors seems to be going well, but I'd like some input these that are more on the edge:
post #1871441 post #1873199 post #1872289

The first is mostly cool_colors, and the horizon would be seen more as pink/purple than red, and apparently pink is considered more of a cool colour, though that's debatable. Is the strip of pink/purple enough to say it shouldn't be tagged?

The second, being purple, probably should be tagged, yet for some reason I feel it shouldn't be.

The third, most of the shading/colours in the image are blue, except for the nipples and penis tip, which are pink, and like the second one, I'm undecided on if it should actually be tagged.

A quick edit to say a bit about the code, for the people who are interested:

At the moment, it counts the colour of all the pixels, then gets a percentage with:
(cold colour pixel count - warm colour pixel count) / (total pixels - white/black/grey pixels)

Then anything at 0.98 or above would get tagged. It's pretty simple, but seems to work well.
