Topic: Tag Alias: rook -> rook_(disambiguation)

Aliasing rook → rook_(disambiguation)
Link to alias


Ten rook_(* tags. 3 other tags that start with rook_*. + artist whose username at furrynetwork is Rook.

13 posts (+4 deleted) tagged with plain rook tag.

Ten rook_(* tags:
1) 5 . . . rook_(bird) . . . species
2) 14 . . . rook_(character) . . . character
3) 3 . . . rook_(chess) . . . general
4) 21 . . . rook_(greyrook) . . . character
5) 3 . . . rook_(housepets!) . . . character
6) 2 . . . rook_(overlai) . . . character (has wiki "page", but it just says "character")
7) 3 . . . rook_(rainbow_six) . . . character
8) 6 . . . rook_(rokemi) . . . character
9) 1 . . . rook_(skidd) . . . character
10) 1 . . . rook_(sparrawingshard) . . . character

Three other rook_* s
1) 1 . . . rook_ben . . . character
2) 11 . . . rook_blonko . . . character (wiki rook_blonko)
3) 6 . . . rook_luck . . . character

rook_* tags and links at :*&type=&order=name

Plus (with 1799 artworks in that Rook gallery)
(artist has other usernames including
Currently their artist tag at e621 is rokemi

Plus maybe:
1) 1 . . . rookalec . . . general

EDIT: The tag alias rook -> rook_(disambiguation) (forum #272976) has been approved by @bitWolfy.

Updated by auto moderator