Topic: Is furry porn going downhill?

Been meaning to post a thread about this for a while, I just tend to avoid posting wherever possible due to the rampant flaming that goes on here.

Anyways, I think it deserves a conversation - do you think that furry porn, on the whole, is degrading as time goes on?

Perhaps nostalgia plays a part, but lately I seem to find a far higher ratio of poor images to good images than I used to. It seems like the artwork quality is going down in favor of generating more quantity - so many pieces nowdays are nothing more than hastily colored rough sketches, still showing the basic character forms and no signs of proper refinement. Even the uploads that dont look like sketches seem to be done in relative haste, without the quality I'm used to seeing.

Perhaps the community is just growing and more 'new' artists are springing up? A possibility I've considered, but looking back 2-3 years we should've had new artists almost as frequently, yet the art quality was generally higher back then.

It seems like the days of great artists like jay naylor, morticus, and others whose names just arent springing to mind at the moment are fading in favor of a generation that has little care for quality control. Or maybe I'm just an old fart and these young whippersnappers dont know how porn was back in my day, I dunno.

Updated by Char