Topic: Mission should be on the homepage or somewhere more obvious/noticeable.

"Our mission: To archive the best/strangest/most excellent animal/anthro-related artwork, regardless of content, for all those who wish to view it."

I feel like this statement, or at least a shorter version of it, should be visible on the homepage or somewhere more obvious than the Wiki page. I don't feel like enough people realize this site is for archiving, not for strictly uploading one's content like on dA or FA. The fact that half my uploads were deleted because the original artist thought I was "stealing their art" (when all of it was sourced and tagged with their artist name, hilariously) shows that not many people are really aware of the purpose of this site. I just think it would be nice to make the purpose more visible to new visitors.

I also want to add that, after the artist mentioned above realized what the site was, they didn't have a problem with their art being here and even considered thanking me. :I Which is why I feel it should be a liiittle more obvious that this site isn't ~just artt thiefz lawl~. To avoid such silly mishaps.

Updated by Granberia