Topic: A few questions about e621 logins

Posted under General

Hello, I've got a few questions regarding logins that I hope someone can help me answer. Sorry if they seem silly, please bear with me!
So basically I've been using one browser on one computer in order to access e621. What I'm wondering is: is it okay to log in and remain logged in on multiple browsers? Like say you are logged in in Chrome, and then you open up e621 on firefox and log in there. Will that cause any problems?

In a similar vein, is it okay to log in and remain logged in on multiple computers?

Thanks for any answers. I'm considering using multiple browsers and computers for convenience, and want to make sure it won't cause any problems :)

Updated by NotMeNotYou

Multiple logins aren't a problem, I'm signed into multiple browsers on multiple computers without issues.

Just make sure you don't stay logged in on machines that you share with other people because sometimes you might get banned as a result of having used the same machine.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
Multiple logins aren't a problem, I'm signed into multiple browsers on multiple computers without issues.

Just make sure you don't stay logged in on machines that you share with other people because sometimes you might get banned as a result of having used the same machine.

Now I'm confused, why would you get banned if this were to be the case.

Not that I'm logged into somewhere other people use.

Updated by anonymous

ShylokVakarian said:
Now I'm confused, why would you get banned if this were to be the case.

Not that I'm logged into somewhere other people use.

I think the scenario is where they also have an e621 account and happen to login to it (potentially meaning that the same ip is trying to simultaneously be logged into two different accounts -> suspicious).

If them having an e621 account isn't a factor, then I have no idea.

Updated by anonymous

ShylokVakarian said:
Now I'm confused, why would you get banned if this were to be the case.

Not that I'm logged into somewhere other people use.

To be clear, we have absolutely no problem with you using e621 on as many devices as you want, even at the same time. What he means, is either:

  • Another person sits down at your computer and wreaks havoc on your logged-in e621 account, getting you banned (and we generally don't believe "my younger brother did everything" excuses)
  • Another person sits down at your computer, logs into their own e621 account, and does something stupid and gets themselves banned. Now, since you share an IP address with them (you both logged in from the same computer), you're at risk of being banned as well (since we have no way of verifying that it was actually a different person). NOTE: Logging out before you leave the computer won't protect you against this one.

Updated by anonymous

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