Topic: FurryNetwork: What's the appeal?

Posted under General

I don't understand FurryNetwork.

I don't understand why it was created, what niche it was meant to fill, and why artists who leave Fur Affinity decide to use it instead of other alternatives like Inkbunny, SoFurry, or Weasyl.

Yes, it's still in public beta, but it lapses into a multitude of modern web design foibles that harm its use as a serious image gallery. Here's a big ol' list of the grievances I have with the fundamental design of the website:

- Low information density to visual clutter
Like many modern websites, FN is designed with low information density to be easier on the eyes, but this comes at the expense of having a less complete immediate overview of a given artist's statistics and posts.

When you land on an artist page on FA, the first thing to be displayed is their custom text dead center at the center of the page, often used to show personal and commission information in simple textual form. With FN, your immediate attention is split between profile information, big fat thumbnails of artwork, comments on said artwork, and following messages, akin to Facebook's or Twitter's social network 'feed' style; it's mess of information generally not relevant to most viewers, since you're more than likely viewing the artist's page for their work or commission info, not because you want to see their every action.

Moreover, if an artist has many thumbnails on this feed, the feed stretches further down than the rest of the page's information, resulting in an awkward off-center section with no buffer around it. FA's way around this is just not having a feed and having pre-determined sections of information, the most important of which is displayed closer to the top of the page. Art posts are confined to small thumbnails on the middle left, and you can navigate to the artist's gallery from there. It's simple, straightforward, and it wouldn't hurt to mimic.

Also, it's silly that the 'Following' and 'Follower' section is comprised of profile thumbnails rather than text. With thumbnails, you don't know who anyone is at a glance; anyone could steal any artist's profile image to imitate them, and you wouldn't know until you either click through or hover over the link to their profile to see the URL. I get it's nicer looking than raw text, but it's just not a user-friendly design choice from a pragmatic perspective.

- Sticky header
Do I even need to explain? Sticky headers are the bane of screen real estate, and they feel unnatural, clinging to your viewport while the rest of the page moves when you scroll. While FN's is not as grievous as Twitter's, it does result in increased visual clutter that's largely irrelevant to most of your use cases. Both e621 and FA do not have headers which stick your viewport while you scroll, and them doing so would immensely hamper my enjoyment of using those sites. After all, do you really need to see the header so badly when a simple press of the 'home' button catapults you to the top of the screen?

- Dynamic image loading/infinite gallery scrolling
The 'Loading more results' section at the bottom of the /artwork/ page lacks any form of throbber to denote that the page hasn't frozen up, a big problem when it takes over a second to load the next batch of image thumbnails. While some form of animation would give users more visual feedback, it would be preferable overall to incorporate means of navigating through mountains of artwork, such as denoted page numbers with options for how many thumbnails to view per page.

The primary benefit of this for the users is the ability to quickly search for older images if they're undertagged without sitting through potentially minutes of an infinitely scrolling page, like Twitter forces you to do; it's infuriating when you want to seek out something to gloss over or archive elsewhere. Another benefit is that should you click on a thumbnail to view an image, it allows you to view the page which the thumbnail was featured on again when you hit the back arrow, rather than require you to scroll down for quite some time to spot it again.

- Cramped gallery view
This is the unfortunate result of having a non-collapsible tag searching pane and not one, but TWO sticky headers, the one present on the profile page, as well as an additional pane to tabulate between artist page, gallery, and commissions. This is a far cry from what I'd consider serviceable for users accustomed to being able to see more at a glance. Compare this to the amount of thumbnails I can see with a normal laptop monitor on FN and other websites:

FurryNetwork: 3 rows, 5 columns
e621:         4 rows, 6 columns
Inkbunny:     3 rows, 6 columns (with default 'large' thumbnail size)
SoFurry:      5 rows, 7 columns
Fur Affinity: 3 rows, 6 columns
Weasyl:       highly variable

SoFurry uses small, but discernible thumbnails that do their job. FurryNetwork on the other hand is behind all but Weasyl in this department, since Weasyl made the strange decision of having all their thumbnails in wildly different sizes (a decision I don't understand, at all).

A remedy for this would be making the search sidebar collapsible (allowing for 6 columns, on par with InkBunny's default mode), but even then, viewing the gallery would still feel claustrophobic due to the two sticky headers, permanently sacrificing viewing comfort to avoid the mild inconvenience of pressing 'home' every once in a blue moon.

Ultimately, these grievances and other minor factors make me wonder WHY people find FurryNetwork so appealing. Dedicated social networks like Twitter and Facebook provide ample wiggle room to promote your artwork, and Fur Affinity--despite the drama--is still designed decently in terms of UI from a casual user's perspective. Combined with the other sites mentioned, there seems to be no valid reason to use FN.

So, can anyone elucidate to me what the draw of FN even is, given the aforementioned nits?

Updated by null0010

Hey there :)

Thank you for your honest feedback. We are actually looking for people, just like you, to tell us what they like and dislike about FN. If you wouldn't mind, I'd like to direct you to our support page, where you can submit feedback direct to the site and its users for support and constructive criticism.

Go to:
-> Sign in/ Sign up if applicable
-> By the field "Enter your idea or search term" click +add new one
-> Select "private" if desired or leave it public and fill out the question/concern
-> Fill out other details, assign topic
-> Send!

Thank you again for letting us know your concerns. I hope that we can make FN look and feel more comfortable for you.

Updated by anonymous

Alright, I can sign up and file a new suggestion if one doesn't exist already per nit. Appreciate the swift response.

Updated by anonymous

pros: crisp clean design

cons: obviously intended as a corporate focusgrouped moneymaking replacement (not a supplement) for e621

Updated by anonymous

It's not at all a replacement for e621 because it's supposed to be a replacement for FA.

e621 is for people looking for art, FN is for artists posting their own stuff and selling commissions.

Updated by anonymous

whatever helps you sleep at night NMNY

those features were once planned for e6 but it is clear to me that y'all are trying to escape e6's "bad reputation" in an attempt to monetize the site. i wouldnt be surprised if there was a business plan in a manilla folder somewhere that states y'all're gona take a percentage of commission fees

you don't design a site all sleek and web 3.0 and app-looking unless you're planning to monetize and farm users for site content

Updated by anonymous

Different pages for different purposes, axing e621 in favor of FN would be like axing Vine in favor of Twitter; something that would be very stupid on Twitter's part considering that both create revenue.

Updated by anonymous

except e6 doesnt exactly scream moneymaker to me

i remember when arcturus ran the site he would beg for donations cuz the ads didn't keep it afloat

there's no way this site is even revenue-neutral

Updated by anonymous

null0010 said:
except e6 doesnt exactly scream moneymaker to me

i remember when arcturus ran the site he would beg for donations cuz the ads didn't keep it afloat

there's no way this site is even revenue-neutral

That's what being the sistersite to a big earner like Bad Dragon does, it lets an awesome site stay up for free.

Updated by anonymous

null0010 said:
except e6 doesnt exactly scream moneymaker to me

i remember when arcturus ran the site he would beg for donations cuz the ads didn't keep it afloat

there's no way this site is even revenue-neutral


Updated by anonymous

so why not replace the money losing site with a money making site

it's the perfect plan when things go corporate

it's what i would do

Updated by anonymous

Why is it so hard for people to distinguish sites differences? Have seen many artists confusing stuff as well which is bad.

Art sites are where artists usually post their stuff, they have their own account and easy ways to manage all their stuff. Usually also means well customizeable profile with links and journals. Other users have easy ways to follow the artists stuff.

Boorus and gallery sites are gathering art from the internet, from art sites and elsewhere, into one big hub where it's easier to browse and search for stuff because of tagging and because all stuff from everywhere is actually in one place instead of being scattered everywhere, some being on twitter and some on tumblr. Of course artists can directly post stuff themselves as well, but they have technically same amount of control to their stuff as other users have. And I always get headache when some artists decide to only post stuff here as it's super hard to follow their works that way or do takedowns because they want their stuff to be on tumblr only...

Then chans are, well, chans. Anonymous users posting stuff on the internet in loosely controlled manner.

And why speak about replacing? At least to my knowledge FA is managed by differend folks that manage e6, FN, etc. Of course even I'm still somewhat surprised how low limitations site with only one non-annoying ad has, but I guess silicone sculptures sell that well then. Have to thank for that as usually boorus are full of ads and popups. I guess it remains to be seen when cash flow slows down, but it doesn't mean they can't just add in more ads if that happens.

Updated by anonymous

FA should be replaced because it is honestly that bad, much as it replaced VCL because VCL was even worse (technically cleaner, but too basic to be friendly)

Updated by anonymous

null0010 said:
except e6 doesnt exactly scream moneymaker to me

i remember when arcturus ran the site he would beg for donations cuz the ads didn't keep it afloat

there's no way this site is even revenue-neutral

You'd be surprised at just how much money cloudflare saves us.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
You'd be surprised at just how much money cloudflare saves us.

the amount of money a service like cloudflare can "save" you is directly proportional to how much money you give cloudflare. hosting a site as resource-intensive as e621 is not exactly cheap. y'all make extensive use of javascript (not as bad as some sites i've seen) but you also make good use of browser caching. however i doubt you pay for anything less than business-tier cloudflare which is $200/mo ... and that doesn't even take into account the cost of your actual hosting.

Updated by anonymous

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