Topic: What's the naming convention for comic pools?

Posted under General

Is there a standard way to name comic pools? I've seen at least these variations:

  • Comic by Artist
  • Artist - Comic
  • Comic - Artist

Updated by Siral Exan

usually its just whats written as title of the comic either on the first page of the comic or in the artist's gallery. and sometimes artist's name is ncluded because the name is taken or because the artist's name was included in the title of the comic.

Updated by anonymous

I usually stick to Name of Comic by Artist Name. Definitely put the name of the comic first, because it's annoying to find a comic by name if it's not where you expect it in alphabetical order.

Updated by anonymous

I like these myself, but that's just me:

  • Name of Comic (Artist Name)
  • Name of Comic - Name of Subsection (Artist Name)
  • If Wishes Were Horses - Chapter 1 (Crawford)

Either way I'd stick the name of the comic itself first so it's easier to find at a glance (as Tony mentioned).

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

If the title is unique, I just use the title. (pool #2944: The All Blue Affair)

If the title might be reused, I add the artist. (pool #8381: Secret Training by Dekaisen)

If there's no title, I make up something descriptive and add the artist. (pool #8385: Nick Bites Judy by alec8ter)

Updated by anonymous

I normally used *copyright*: *comic name* if it's a known copyright, like Zootopia, or ignore the copyright if said is in the title. If there is no copyright, just the title because the artist should always be named AND properly sourced to where they are posting the comic. If the comic does not have a title, I'd make up a title AND involve the artist's name, at first; I'd then ask the artist what they'd want the name to be (it's not that hard, and you'd learn if they want it posted). If there are more than one artist (hypothetically), or it's from a group, I'd use " (artist1/artist2/etc.)" or " (group name)". For instance, I'd use "FNAF: The Fastest Fazbear in the West (Atlas-White/Negaduck9)" . Mind you, that is an complete example, said artists may not want their comic uploaded (or at least Negaduck, I asked beforehand and they said no.).

Updated by anonymous

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