I have some ideas, and sugestions for themes, or so it seems.. XD
Anyways I been on this site for a little while now, and I have noticed a lot of art, animation, and tons of flash from games, movies, and cartoons so I was wondering if you guy's could make some new themes for what ever reason you guys do stuff on here and I would like to make a few suggestions if you guys would take the time to this case read..
Underground Theme
:Basic: color would be strait up black.
:Extra: make all the buttons yellow much like the game Undertale's battle sequence like when you choose an action like fight, act...ect.
Sega Theme
:Basic: you guys already have the blue going on so never mind on that end.
:Extra: change the Text to the Sonic Font Text, or just add like rings going every where like how sonic loses his rings
Zoo Theme
:Basic:you guys already have the green but I'd think it need to be like a jungle and or a forest green
:Exra: much like the movie Zootopia witch I haven't really seen it but still I'd like to suggest like little silhouette of grey rabbits and red foxes
as for other themes I'd like to see a summer theme like an Independence day kind of thing for the extras a bunch of fireworks going off with pretty shapes and colors
anyways that's all I can think of at the moment if anyone else would like to add their ideas I'm pretty sure they'd like to know as well, but who knows right?
Thankyou for your time