Topic: Random Idea: Customisable Homepage

Posted under General

Hi guys.

I had a random thought about the homepage and wanted to see what people thought about it!

As all members should well know, every time you load the homepage, you're greeted at random by one of the mascots. I know that the competition was held to choose the mascot to be used, and it ended up that most of the entrants ended up winning, but e621 has a huge focus on making it friendly to all users - and that's why I feel that you should be able to customise the mascots on the homepage, whether from a direct GUI on the homepage, or an option within your account settings.

I know it's not much, but people have their blacklists for a reason. Personally, I have nothing on mine, but there are people who just don't want to see ANYTHING from a particular category/species/etc. So, if you blacklist "equine" for example, you'll still get wiredhooves' mascot appear on the homepage for e621. I know it's not too big of a deal, but I still feel it's kind of an "in ya face!" move towards those who want to blacklist certain things, but still get forced to see that one image, for example.

It's not supposed to seem discriminatory towards the brilliant people who designed the mascots for e6, but I just think people should have a say on what they see, including the homescreen.

If someone was a new user to the site, and (for example) REALLY (and I mean REALLY) hated antelopes, yes, they'd have the ability to blacklist the term from their account settings, but they'd still be (randomly) forced to view ECMajor's mascot design. It's not going to be the end of the world, obviously, but I think it would just be nice to offer the users to change that if they wished.

The (now blacklisted) e6 app used to have this functionality, and I thought it would be nice to get it pushed to the main website!

TLDR: Ability to change homescreen mascots depending on preferences.

PS. I've looked all over for this - I don't think it's an option anywhere, so forgive me if it is, I just can't see it! Let me know what you think!

Updated by animperfectpatsy

- Also, I am aware of the "Change Mascot" option, but I just think it would be nice to not have to click this, if that's what the user prefers! I just don't think it's a good first impression if a new user is occasionally forced to see something they may really, really dislike. -

Updated by anonymous

A feature to select a single mascot to be displayed all the time would be reasonable IMO. Anything more than that, like blacklisting, would be making preferences more important than they should be, given that you don't need to EVER see any mascot at all if you so choose.

Updated by anonymous

The mascot choice already sticks around as long as you don't delete the cookie. The only difference would be a profile setting, which wouldn't be a bad idea.

Updated by anonymous

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