Topic: Hey I'm having a bit of an issue

Posted under General

I'm having the same issue, and I've been clicking roaming as well, maybe it's a Chrome issue?

Updated by anonymous

fox_whisper85 said:
I'm having the same issue, and I've been clicking roaming as well, maybe it's a Chrome issue?

Are you on incognito? Set your browser to automatically clear your cache?

Updated by anonymous

Had the same issue for a while, even with Roaming. What is weird is I wouldn't have Roaming before and I wouldn't get disconnected, but since I only had this problem 2 times lasting for some hours (Which was today and I think 2 months ago), so it seems to be server-side and not my PC being dumb

Updated by anonymous

Yeah, this happened to me earlier. It kept logging me out every time I tried to edit a tag. I just waited it out after a while and it stopped.

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
Are you on incognito? Set your browser to automatically clear your cache?

Nope, I rarely use incognito mode, not sure if Chrome has such an option.

Updated by anonymous

Neitsuke said:
Had the same issue for a while, even with Roaming. What is weird is I wouldn't have Roaming before and I wouldn't get disconnected, but since I only had this problem 2 times lasting for some hours (Which was today and I think 2 months ago), so it seems to be server-side and not my PC being dumb

The roaming button has been broken for years and got fixed recently. Basically it had acted like you always checked the box (less secure option).

That being said, we've been working on making the roaming button less unpredictable for users in a way that finds a good balance between convenience and security.

Updated by anonymous

a dynamic IP address is good for security i imagine but it does have some down sides that can be annoying. the router from our current ISP here has such an address setup.

and, as i've seen with some big games like everquest or rift for example, any security that doesn't take that into account will sometimes log you off whenever it changes which is usually several different times a day iirc. i'd always be filling out security stuff when playing games like that every day. annoying but probably worth it in the end.

that said, if any of the admin here ever notice something odd about my IP address such as...IP numbers from other countries. let me know and i'll change my password asap. mine usually shifts around oklahoma and neighboring states i think.

had to sort out some odd activity like that out on reddit not long ago.

actually, now that i think of it. any website or game that has an option to log you in on every visit to said site is pretty much the same as this roaming thing here in effect. probably.

Updated by anonymous

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