Topic: What am I doing wrong?

Posted under General

I'm genuinely concerned and admittedly, a bit wary on posting solo/pinup pics on e621 as of the past couple of days. The reason is because people seem to be targeting 3D/SFM art and going on downvote sprees because they either are refusing to blacklist 3D/SFM, are doing it out of spite, or are trying to drive me out. I don't have any evidence to either assumption, but what can I do to avoid being the target of mass-downvoting from people? If someone has something wrong, they can give constructive criticism, I get that; rather would deal with that than destructive critique that doesn't benefit either party. I just want to know what I'm doing wrong -_-

Updated by Clawdragons

That is where I kinda wish that the amounts of upvotes & downvotes were able to be seen. Have no advice, though, other than personally ask around for criticism.

Updated by anonymous

Maybe people are bothered by the quality of some of those 3d pictures and not bothered by the concept of 3d images itself. Since there are truly good 3d artwork, but there exist also a handful of not so good 3d images.

Updated by anonymous

Mighyenta said:
Maybe people are bothered by the quality of some of those 3d pictures and not bothered by the concept of 3d images itself. Since there are truly good 3d artwork, but there exist also a handful of not so good 3d images.

What do you suggest I do though? I mean, compared to when I first uploaded/made 3D images, they're nothing compared to the ones I made back then. I just want to know what I can do to not cause people to downvote so ruthlessly. Isn't spam-downvoting taboo? At least, AFAIK? I just...don't bloody know what to do, but I will say that I refuse to give up; that's what they want me to do I'm sure.

Siral_Exan said:
That is where I kinda wish that the amounts of upvotes & downvotes were able to be seen. Have no advice, though, other than personally ask around for criticism.

Therein lies the issue, I can't think of anyone off the top of my head to ask; I want criticism, criticism that might be painful but will ultimately help in the end; if there's an issue I need to resolve, how would I know how to fix it if no one tells me? It's a paradox.

Updated by anonymous

fox_whisper85 said:
Isn't spam-downvoting taboo? At least, AFAIK? I just...don't bloody know what to do, but I will say that I refuse to give up; that's what they want me to do I'm sure.

I am certain there is nothing in the rules about downvoting, (Though it isn't allowed to create multiple accounts to downvote posts, but then again there is no proof that this is happening), Though in the past some people did recieve negative records for intentionally targeting an admin's posts. But that may not be a thing now after 4 years.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

It only matters when people are cheating the vote by using multiple accounts to vote on the same thing.

You really need to learn to stop caring.

Updated by anonymous

Siral_Exan said:
That is where I kinda wish that the amounts of upvotes & downvotes were able to be seen.

You can see that, actually, by hovering over the score. Doesn't show who the votes came from though (which could give you some idea if the same few people keep coming back out of spite).

Updated by anonymous

Jugofthat said:
You can see that, actually, by hovering over the score. Doesn't show who the votes came from though (which could give you some idea if the same few people keep coming back out of spite).

Couldn't do that on mobile, using desktop mode. Apologies.

Updated by anonymous

Honestly, 3D modelling/art is always going to be graded harder and is going to age worse than 2D art. 3D art is going to be held to a different standard because it's attempting to do something entirely different than 2D art. For instance, something like.. games on the Playstation 2, say Metal Gear Solid 2 might have looked very impressive or realistic compared to what existed at the time, but they look dated and plastic now, where as earlier games with good sprite work like Castlevania Symphony of the Night or Breath of Fire 3 or 4, are going to look reasonably nice for a long time.

Or similarly, the CGI in say, Final Fantasy: Spirits Within were at the time considered a technical marvel so much so that Squaresoft thought that they could use the main character as like, a digital actress across many movies, based just on the looks alone, and.. today it looks bad. But something even older like say, Princes Mononoke, still looks great today.

I'm not suggesting you stop making whatever art you like, or stop uploading it, but you might have to accept that there are just going to be harder standards to deal with if you're doing 3D modelling or CGI artwork that aren't going to exist if you were doing more traditional painting.

Updated by anonymous

Oh yeah, and this is more specific to you than general to 3D art, but if you do like, art with humans, especially human males (and doubly so with beefy hairy ones), and with especially niche fetishes, you're not going to garner the same level of likes, in general. Like, looking through your stuff, most recent of it is like, Pokemon on generic hairy beefy human guy, or like, macro foot fetish.

Updated by anonymous

Ratte said:
It only matters when people are cheating the vote by using multiple accounts to vote on the same thing.

You really need to learn to stop caring.

Well, it's more along the lines of being too hard on myself and having anxiety issues, not with this alone necessarily, but with my job, unsure if I go a day without angering my boss because of a mistake I make, etc; it may be more of a validation thing, not entirely sure. I sometimes feel like the quality (or lack thereof) affects the approval process.

DamienG said:
Oh yeah, and this is more specific to you than general to 3D art, but if you do like, art with humans, especially human males (and doubly so with beefy hairy ones), and with especially niche fetishes, you're not going to garner the same level of likes, in general. Like, looking through your stuff, most recent of it is like, Pokemon on generic hairy beefy human guy, or like, macro foot fetish.

So, maybe I can try adding more variety to the fetishes/poses/characters used? Would that at least alleviate the problem somewhat? I know 3D is more scrutinized (that, and I don't have a drawing tablet, nor do I have the funds to get one). Otherwise I would consider digital art made with said tablet, SAI, Lazy Nezumi Pro or similar. But for now 3D is all I can really do.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

fox_whisper85 said:
Well, it's more along the lines of being too hard on myself and having anxiety issues, not with this alone necessarily, but with my job, unsure if I go a day without angering my boss because of a mistake I make, etc; it may be more of a validation thing, not entirely sure. I sometimes feel like the quality (or lack thereof) affects the approval process.

That isn't anything we can help you with. That has to come from you. Better yet, a lot of 3D stuff takes more time to approve than most other work and tends to be perhaps surprisingly subjective with approval. That's a fault of the medium, especially if something is animated. You will also deal with people who just downvote everything because apparently that's their fetish. You have people like this everywhere and there's nothing you can do about it. You will need to learn to just not care. It's not easy, but it will help in the long run.

fox_whisper85 said:
So, maybe I can try adding more variety to the fetishes/poses/characters used? Would that at least alleviate the problem somewhat? I know 3D is more scrutinized (that, and I don't have a drawing tablet, nor do I have the funds to get one). Otherwise I would consider digital art made with said tablet, SAI, Lazy Nezumi Pro or similar. But for now 3D is all I can really do.

Just make what you want to make. Do what you want. Your best work is stuff you enjoy. Stop looking for approval from everyone else because they don't (and shouldn't) matter.

Updated by anonymous

fox_whisper85 said:
Well, it's more along the lines of being too hard on myself and having anxiety issues, not with this alone necessarily, but with my job, unsure if I go a day without angering my boss because of a mistake I make, etc; it may be more of a validation thing, not entirely sure. I sometimes feel like the quality (or lack thereof) affects the approval process.

So, maybe I can try adding more variety to the fetishes/poses/characters used? Would that at least alleviate the problem somewhat? I know 3D is more scrutinized (that, and I don't have a drawing tablet, nor do I have the funds to get one). Otherwise I would consider digital art made with said tablet, SAI, Lazy Nezumi Pro or similar. But for now 3D is all I can really do.

I mean I can't say what will or won't get votes, I'm ok at sketching but shit at inking and colors so I'm shit at art, and I ain't a mind reader. I was just saying why I thought you might be getting less votes overall than other 3D artists, and why 3D artists probably get less votes than 'traditional' and 'digital' art.

But like.. at the same time.. draw what the fuck you want? I mean, unless you're getting paid commission or Patreon or something, it's your art. Who gives a fuck what it's voted as. Are you doing art because you like it or as some calculated plan to appeal to a wide audience? Just do your thing, man. You want to draw 10 thousand bear men doin' Pokemorphs and you like it, rock that shit. It ain't gonna be my or everybody's thing, but I'm sure somebody out there appreciates that shit.

I didn't go through all your stuff, but I skimmed a few of the recent ones and every single one of them had at least one person that was thrilled to see more of it. So who gives a shit if some people aren't into it.

Updated by anonymous

It doesn't matter how many downvotes you get. Some users live for the downvotes.

This thread is a complete repeat of similar discussions that will go nowhere.

Updated by anonymous

fox_whisper85 wants to know:
What am I doing wrong?

Caring about downvotes.

That is what you are doing wrong.

If you want to fix something, that should be your stop priority. Stop caring about downvotes.

They don't matter.

It's that simple.

Do not give excuses. Do not give explanations. Don't think you can avoid the issue some other way. Stop caring about downvotes.

Updated by anonymous

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