Topic: Statute of Limitations?

Posted under General

So recently a comment was reported that I made as "roleplaying". It was a fairly common type of comment where I put words into the mouths of the characters depicted in the image such as:

<Character Name>: "Insert Quote here."

I had felt doing so was relatively benign as I was not directly insinuating myself into any seemed more like a "caption" to me. However I can see how it can be construed as such. To that effect I went back through a number of my comments to hide them, but I was wondering how far back I need to go? I know there is the 6 Month standing rule...but is that applicable in this case as there are quite a few comments to pan through to reach that 6th month mark.

Updated by Furrin Gok

If you're making a joke or just saying what it looks like they're saying, I don't think that's a reportable offense anyways. However, as far as I know, anything older than a single month (Maybe it was only two weeks) will pretty much be ignored by the mods unless it's an actual crime.

Updated by anonymous

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