Topic: Sabrina Online [Comic] is over, after 20 years... QQ

Posted under General

All good things have to come to an end eventually. :(

Been a fan of the comic a few months since its debut and have enjoyed it ever since for the last 20 years... Seeing it end has had the same impact of when Calvin and Hobbes ended, of which I also followed diligently for 10 years prior to Sabrina.

How time flies... and after two decades I still haven't gotten around to learning to draw. How shameful of me - about time I did!

Updated by Flygon

Thanks for the heads-up. Now I'll finally be able to read it all.

Updated by anonymous

Daedius said:

Or just too young, or had no interest in furry comics like 10+ years ago when it was popular enough to stumble upon.

How about a wiki page or something?

Updated by anonymous

Jesus fuck 20 years thank god, comic must have been shit at the end

Updated by anonymous

R-U-S-T-Y said:
Jesus fuck 20 years thank god, comic must have been shit at the end

Not really, he left enough time between the strips that he could come up with a proper story. I mean, over those 20 years he made barely 810 comic strips, that's 3 per month at most.

Updated by anonymous

R-U-S-T-Y said:
Jesus fuck 20 years thank god, comic must have been shit at the end

He didn't overdo it, only doing 3 comics per month.

Updated by anonymous

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