Topic: More Questions About Translation Etiquette

Posted under General

Hello. I joined the site a few days back just so that I could translate things and keep my knowledge of Japanese from getting too rusty. I have a question about translation etiquette.

I've already read elsewhere that correcting another user's translations for greater accuracy is acceptable. However, is it acceptable to change another user's translations so that the intent of the lines are better conveyed, even though the translation will no longer be quite as precise? Also, what about changing translations so that the dialogue will fit the character better (at least in your own opinion)?

Updated by Lafcadio

I'd accept that it is better conveyed, but you should probably make a comment on it in either case.

Updated by anonymous

[there's much to say about this topic, but not enough time ATM]
Most people [citation needed] seem to value an appropriate cultural approximation over preserving the original meaning and nuance,

especially for those that don't speak/read the language.

So I'd say that everything in the second paragraph sounds fine, provided there's a note somewhere about whatever changed and why, as @Furrin_Gok mentioned,
so people can discuss the translation if needed
(that rarely happens though)

Inter-member communication is very important when collaborative efforts are involved, IMO

Updated by anonymous

Quill_Shot said:
I've already read elsewhere that correcting another user's translations for greater accuracy is acceptable. However, is it acceptable to change another user's translations so that the intent of the lines are better conveyed, even though the translation will no longer be quite as precise?

Case-by-case basis. You have the option of explaining certain things through translator's notes (I do this frequently, maybe a bit too frequently.), or replacing them with more familiar equivalents. I myself would greatly prefer to use said translator's notes as little as possible.

That being said, though, there are cases where translator's notes cannot be avoided. At all.

Also, what about changing translations so that the dialogue will fit the character better (at least in your own opinion)?

I'd assume that changing the phrasing for a note is fine, as long as the actual content of it remains accurate to the original text. That being said, though, don't just change it on a whim.

Updated by anonymous

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