Topic: Something wrong with the site

Posted under General

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No art posted in the last 5 hours and no comments either from what I see. Can't post comments either

Updated by TonyCoon

memeboy said:
No art posted in the last 5 hours and no comments either from what I see. Can't post comments either

I think it was an "500 error" Which means something went wrong with the server. Seems to be fixxed now!

Updated by anonymous

Hours ago I couldn't favorite posts, vote on posts or even vote on comments. Everything's back to normal now for me.

Updated by anonymous

Most people were lucky, being able to browse things still, I got a full site-wide 500; every single page was dead for me. I kind of think usernames had something to do with what was considered dead.

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
I kind of think usernames had something to do with what was considered dead.

post #675554
Just replace "fucking retard" with silly dingus, I would rather not get banned over a harmless joke. No H8 M8

Updated by anonymous

FurryMcFuzzball said:
post #675554
Just replace "fucking retard" with silly dingus, I would rather not get banned over a harmless joke. No H8 M8

What makes you say it's wrong? Do you have proof of what happened, and an explanation for why some people could do certain things while others couldn't?

Updated by anonymous

intelligent_turret said:
I think it was an "500 error" Which means something went wrong with the server. Seems to be fixxed now!

500 errors mean something went wrong with the code and the server can't serve it. If something was wrong with the server, end users wouldn't get an HTTP status code, they'd just be unable to resolve.

Updated by anonymous

EightyNine said:
Pfff, why do we even have that picture if we're not allowed to use it?

to meet the monthly ban quota

Furrin_Gok said:
What makes you say it's wrong? Do you have proof of what happened, and an explanation for why some people could do certain things while others couldn't?

I dunno, it could of been due to internet connection/ distance from the server and e6 only being able to work minimally with users nearby; or maybe e6 was fully down when some people tried to use it but partially up afterwards when others tried. Usernames are just a piece of text associated with a profile that is identified by a unique id number (go to your profile page and look at the url), and I find it highly unlikely that the system would only give partial access to people based on that text

Updated by anonymous

FurryMcFuzzball said:
I dunno, it could of been due to internet connection/ distance from the server and e6 only being able to work minimally with users nearby; or maybe e6 was fully down when some people tried to use it but partially up afterwards when others tried. Usernames are just a piece of text associated with a profile that is identified by a unique id number (go to your profile page and look at the url), and I find it highly unlikely that the system would only give partial access to people based on that text

You claim to not know, that it's unlikely... Yet you use such a powerful "That's fucking wrong" statement. That Unique ID number is exactly the bit I was talking about, actually. No matter where you are on the site, it looks to see if you're logged in and registers that ID, meaning it's the one thing that, while different for every user, is always present at the same time. The areas of the site that I could access never changed, and I was trying for a couple of hours.

Updated by anonymous

EightyNine said:
Pfff, why do we even have that picture if we're not allowed to use it?

That was exactly my thought when I saw someone get a record for that, a few days ago. Same pic and all.

Updated by anonymous

Jugofthat said:
That was exactly my thought when I saw someone get a record for that, a few days ago. Same pic and all.

Just because the image exists doesn't change the fact that you're not allowed to insult other users, even if you use an image rather than text to do it.

Updated by anonymous

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