Topic: Asking Pixiv artists for permission to repost their art

Posted under General

Consensus is "don't use Google." Either get somebody to craft the message for you, or ask in English.

Updated by anonymous

It's also useful if you have some basic understanding of how asian sentences are formed, so that your english sentences can be better translated.

For instance, asians very rarely use the self subject. Instead of saying "Can I share your art on e621", you would say "Could your art be shared on e621?"

And of course, you need to make absolutely sure there's no typos.

Updated by anonymous

You know you don't have to ask, right? A Pivix artist is putting their art out there FOR unless they expressly say "don't repost my art without my permission" I seriously doubt they have a problem with other people reposting it, just make sure to give them credit and such.

Updated by anonymous

Dyrone said:
You know you don't have to ask, right? A Pivix artist is putting their art out there FOR unless they expressly say "don't repost my art without my permission" I seriously doubt they have a problem with other people reposting it, just make sure to give them credit and such.

people have issued takedowns over this. so yes, asking for permission, while not necessarily required, is the better course of action.

Updated by anonymous

It however does sound unnecessary since artists are fully aware that they're uploading to the public in the first place. I can understand when people never source or credit the artist, but here it's not an issue at all. Main reasons I know that artists don't want their stuff redistributed are all linked to insecurity : They think they're losing views on their main galleries and they don't like how they cannot manage comments because once in a while there's a so meanie comment popping up and they can't delete them.

I seriously have no clue why artists are that possessive over their art, I thought people love to draw so others can enjoy, butit really doesn't sound like that's the case anymore

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Neitsuke said:
It however does sound unnecessary since artists are fully aware that they're uploading to the public in the first place.

It doesn't matter one bit what your personal opinion about it is. If you choose to post art here, you're expected to do so with a permission. At the very least, don't openly flaunt the fact that you're ignoring the uploading guidelines.

Updated by anonymous

Can't remember where I said that but I will just repeat what I did say.
Asking for permission, at least for my case, would be unnecessary over necessary. 80% of what I upload already have some of the artist's stuff uploaded here, so by all means, pretty much tells me that the artist is fine for his art to get uploaded here. I won't ask Mutsurf if I can upload his newest picture every time I see one on his Tumblr when I know he's completely fine with that because it sounds silly and completely unnecessary.

19% is stuff from Pixiv, which is pretty much the point here : I don't see myself bothering Japanese people about that while I have no idea how to communicate with them, since I'm pretty sure that I won't really get a reply from them anyway.

And the little 1% is stuff where the artist is new from e621, but again I just don't ask for permission. I do look around and see if there's any disclaimer first of insecurity how reposting is completely forbidden, and if I see none of that then I presume that's fine to share their work with others

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Neitsuke said:
19% is stuff from Pixiv, which is pretty much the point here : I don't see myself bothering Japanese people about that while I have no idea how to communicate with them, since I'm pretty sure that I won't really get a reply from them anyway.

Ask them in simple English. Most can read it. After all, they're on the internet and usually surf some non-Japanese sites.

Many e621 users are Japanese. And you'd never notice, because they're fluent in English.

Updated by anonymous

I would prepare for a bunch of unresponded replies and the bunch of replies I would probably have troubles reading, then I'd just upload them anyway. But then for the people not wanting to share their art with others, sort of scared to observe the same trend there too, wouldn't be too easy to dismiss them after I have faved their picture since I upload what I like

Still not seeing myself doing all that, but I may do it for new artists and prepare for the worst since it's for the best interest of everyone

Updated by anonymous

When I saw this thread for the first time, I thought "perhaps we could have some kind of standard 'request repost permission' text for different languages stored in the wiki (something expressing '1. is it ok to repost your publicly accessible art on e621? 2. If so, which name would you prefer to be identified by?
Thanks for your time.'. With 2 being an optional section used for artists with multiple usernames or usernames that a linguistic barrier prevents you from properly understanding)

The way the thread is continuing makes me think this would be a good idea.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
people have issued takedowns over this. so yes, asking for permission, while not necessarily required, is the better course of action.

"the better course of action"? Really?

What is the ratio of takedowns vs. the amount of Pivix art that stays up no problem? I'm guessing takedowns are pretty rare. Better to just upload it than to waste time trying to correspond with every single artist you plan on uploading. You'd be creating a lot of extra work for yourself and probably annoying the artists as well.

Updated by anonymous

Dyrone said:
"the better course of action"? Really?

What is the ratio of takedowns vs. the amount of Pivix art that stays up no problem? I'm guessing takedowns are pretty rare. Better to just upload it than to waste time trying to correspond with every single artist you plan on uploading. You'd be creating a lot of extra work for yourself and probably annoying the artists as well.

Takedowns are anything but rare ...

Updated by anonymous

Dyrone said:
"the better course of action"? Really?

What is the ratio of takedowns vs. the amount of Pivix art that stays up no problem? I'm guessing takedowns are pretty rare. Better to just upload it than to waste time trying to correspond with every single artist you plan on uploading. You'd be creating a lot of extra work for yourself and probably annoying the artists as well.

Asking for permission isn't a hard thing to do. Most of the takedowns on this site are from artists and character owners who didn't give any consent whatsoever, regardless whether they are from FA or Pixiv.

And just because they don't take their art down, doesn't mean they expressively allow it, sooner or later if they gets pissed the takedown section would be filled with mass deletions.

Updated by anonymous

TheGreatWolfgang said:
Most of the takedowns on this site are from artists and character owners who didn't give any consent whatsoever, regardless whether they are from FA or Pixiv.

99.9% of them seem to be from FA and Inkbunny...considering this topic is about Pivix specifically you've only supported my claim.

Even the FA ones are still a small percentage of what gets uploaded. Seems like around 5-10 takedown requests per day vs how many hundreds of pictures are uploaded per day. Not a bad ratio.

TheGreatWolfgang said:
And just because they don't take their art down, doesn't mean they expressively allow it

So you're saying we should get express permission from each artist? Did you do that for all your 1,244 posts?

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

If there's already dozens of posts by the same artist here, then it's usually not necessary to hassle the artist about it again. It can be assumed that the first uploader asked for the permission, like they were supposed to.

Same goes for posts by unknown artists. Can't ask for permission if you don't know who made it. 'course, if it turns out to be DNP, you'll still get slapped for it.

But uploaders are easily replaceable, whereas takedowns are permanent. So if you're not going to ask for permission at all, leave posting to others.

Updated by anonymous

Genjar said:
So if you're not going to ask for permission at all, leave posting to others.

Again, I ask, how many times have you asked permission? You must have run into dozens of artists in those 900+ posts you've uploaded that would require an asking under the guidelines you just outlined. So how many did you ask?

And whose to say even with "dozens" of posts that anyone asked the artist? That's not getting express permission...that's just assuming. Which is exactly what I'm doing if I upload some of their FREE pictures and assume it will be fine.

Seems like a lot of people in this thread are pontificating and assigning a task to others that they don't really do themselves.

Genjar said:
uploaders are easily replaceable, whereas takedowns are permanent.

Someone who wants their art taken down probably never wanted it put up in the first place, so the net loss is exactly zero.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Dyrone said:
Again, I ask, how many times have you asked permission? You must have run into dozens of artists in those 900+ posts you've uploaded that would require an asking under the guidelines you just outlined. So how many did you ask?

Asked for permission for almost all of them. Except for unknown artists, my own commissions, better versions of posts that were already here, and posts by artists who already had a lot of content here.

Which is why I only have 37 deletions (most of which are deleted as dupes).

Updated by anonymous

Genjar said:
Asked for permission for almost all of them. Except for unknown artists, my own commissions, better versions of posts that were already here, and posts by artists who already had a lot of content here.

Which is why I only have 37 deletions (most of which are deleted as dupes).

So 3.8% of your posts end up being deleted...

Ok, now lets compare you to a user who ADMITS they don't ask. I can't use myself because...well I only have 3 posts and a spotless record, but Neitsuke basically said they never ask, and 3.1% of their posts have been deleted (guessing mostly dupes as well), and they have more posts than you.

Grats on wasting your time. Seems like even with all your carefulness you actually netted lower results than someone who doesn't care.

Truth is...unless you have the unfortunate luck to run into a particularly surly artist, you're probably not going to run into an artist takendown request ever. Most artists see a site like this as flattery and/or free advertising. So simmer down and stop acting like asking for permission is this big deal. If you do it, great on you, but don't act like everyone needs to do it, we don't.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Dyrone said:
Truth is...unless you have the unfortunate luck to run into a particularly surly artist, you're probably not going to run into an artist takendown request ever. Most artists see a site like this as flattery and/or free advertising. So simmer down and stop acting like asking for permission is this big deal. If you do it, great on you, but don't act like everyone needs to do it, we don't.

Sorry to break this to you, but as long as you're using the site, you're expected to follow the rules. It doesn't take much effort to ask for the permission, so there's no excuse not to do so.

But if that kind of attitude is getting more prevalent, then maybe it would be a good idea to tighten the rules and actually start dishing out warnings to users who make a habit of uploading without permission. Since relying on a honor system doesn't seem to be working too well.

Updated by anonymous

Genjar said:
Sorry to break this to you, but as long as you're using the site, you're expected to follow the rules.

Wow, there's a rule about asking permission before uploading? Hmmm...never read that one in the uploading guides.

Genjar said:
But if that kind of attitude is getting more prevalent, then maybe it would be a good idea to tighten the rules and actually start dishing out warnings to users who make a habit of uploading without permission.

Yeah, it's becoming more prevalent because one guy, me, is talking about it on the forum? Great logic there. By the way I'm just talking common sense, you're the one getting all bent out of shape trying to knuckle down on the natural order of things.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Dyrone said:
Wow, there's a rule about asking permission before uploading? Hmmm...never read that one in the uploading guides.

Note this bit from the uploading guidelines :

Good things to upload: 
Art the original artist has given you permission to post here.

The opposite is solidly in the 'not good' category. So yes, it's more of a guideline than a hard rule, but we greatly recommend asking for the permission.

Updated by anonymous

I'm assuming Genjar meant he asked permission from each individual artist (like you're supposed to do), not for each individual post. If the artist has specific uploading guidelines that they want followed, we can update their wiki page to reflect their wishes.

Should probably stop being condescending, especially since you're strawmanning the hell out of Genjar.

Updated by anonymous

Very few artists say "This one exact post only" when asked, they'll usually say "Anything under this tag is okay, anything under that tag is not" if they have a requirement like that.

So, I just ask in general. A lot of the time they ask me which images I'm considering uploading, or where I'm uploading to, but it's rare that they'll actually state limitations.

Updated by anonymous

Genjar said:
Note this bit from the uploading guidelines :

Good things to upload: 
Art the original artist has given you permission to post here.

The opposite is solidly in the 'not good' category. So yes, it's more of a guideline than a hard rule, but we greatly recommend asking for the permission.

Yeah, not a rule. Weird how you were telling me to obey the rules, I guess you meant "try to follow the guidelines"? Maybe gauge your language to the situation more correctly next time.

So like I said, good if you follow it, not particularly bad if you don't. That's basically what a guideline is.


Knotty_Curls said:
I'm assuming Genjar meant he asked permission from each individual artist (like you're supposed to do), not for each individual post. If the artist has specific uploading guidelines that they want followed, we can update their wiki page to reflect their wishes.

Should probably stop being condescending, especially since you're strawmanning the hell out of Genjar.

I've never strawmanned. I understand completely we're talking about asking an artist just once about uploading their stuff, and I've never argued under any other pretense. And I'm only being condescending because the terminator here is being so threatening like "we must crack down on this!"...what? It's a nonissue. I'm honestly surprised the discussion has gone on as long as it has.

Updated by anonymous

Sorry OP for going off-topic but I have to address this.

Dyrone said:
99.9% of them seem to be from FA and Inkbunny...considering this topic is about Pivix specifically you've only supported my claim.

Even the FA ones are still a small percentage of what gets uploaded. Seems like around 5-10 takedown requests per day vs how many hundreds of pictures are uploaded per day. Not a bad ratio.

Well, I can't persuade everybody to ask permissions first, but I know that because of these small deletions, the site has garnered some bad reputation towards uploaders. Some of the people I've talked with has shown their disdain when I mention e6.

Dyrone said:
So you're saying we should get express permission from each artist? Did you do that for all your 1,244 posts?

You don't need to ask the artist for permission on individual posts, just ask whether they allow reposting on e621 in general. They would either say yes or no, along with their terms and conditions.

About 200-300 posts I've made were without the consent of the artist, that was when I assumed because they had posts here they allowed it. I even got 2 artists on the DNP list because I asked for their official permission prior to posting dozens of their work, they swiftly issued takedowns and wrote journals targeting unauthorized reposts.

Most of my posts now are done with both the artist AND commissioner's/character owner's consent on hand.

Updated by anonymous

Genjar said:
If there's already dozens of posts by the same artist here, then it's usually not necessary to hassle the artist about it again. It can be assumed that the first uploader asked for the permission, like they were supposed to.

Same goes for posts by unknown artists. Can't ask for permission if you don't know who made it. 'course, if it turns out to be DNP, you'll still get slapped for it.

just what i was about to say and that unknown_artist tag is annoying. if your adding source links for a pic and the artist's name is at said source, add the artist tag while your at it. don't just leave it as unknown. ಠ_ಠ

Updated by anonymous

You should always ask for permission or find a statement from the artist saying it is ok to repost their art. It's just good practice. But I assume that users don't do this for Japanese artists because a) they probably won't understand English messages, and b) they are probably 0.1% as likely to file a takedown as your average aggrieved FurAffinity/DeviantArt artist.

Updated by anonymous

Genjar said:
Many e621 users are Japanese. And you'd never notice, because they're fluent in English.

One of the many Japanese e621 users could volunteer to help.
Similar to an art request:
"10 slots for Pixiv repost permission requests, done by a native speaker of Japanese"

Updated by anonymous

Just pointing out that pixiv's ToS explicitly forbids others from uploading artist's works

i.e 'you're not allowed to redistribute anything from this site that doesn't belong to you'

(i'll link the tos later)

Updated by anonymous

Munkelzahn said:
Does anyone have experience with this?
I'm not sure if I should ask in English, or use a translation website like

Most artists on pixiv [the 'popular'/older ones, anyway] tend to have at least some grasp of English (since it's compulsory at a certain education level)

There's a whooole bunch of etiquette involved when making a request like this, but I can't say as a hard rule if it's different between Japanese and non-Japanese parties

(tl;dr - depends on the person in question)

Updated by anonymous

Munkelzahn said:
One of the many Japanese e621 users could volunteer to help.
Similar to an art request:
"10 slots for Pixiv repost permission requests, done by a native speaker of Japanese"

This sounds very promising too!

If enough people are interested, I could write up a template request thing, but the people using it would need to have some grasp of the language to alter the contents accordingly per artist (some of them have different conditions)

If anyone else has other ideas about this, that'd be really great

Updated by anonymous

@titanmelon : This bit?

  • Do not take work posted on pixiv and post them on other websites, use them in products, or any other action without creator’s permission.


Updated by anonymous

Never got anything, huh? Lot of artists drawing Sectonia and Taranza over there that I would like to post from. Especially considering if Latias would prefer to not have her works here.

Updated by anonymous

If you don't get any reply from the artist and don't see any statement about how they don't want their art to be redistributed, for me at least, you shouldn't feel too guilty to share their stuff here. There is no wrong that is being done and you did enough on your side to ask for permission. If then the artist really doesn't feel like sharing his work with others for some silly reason after he noticed the art being redistributed, then he can issue a takedown very easily and "nothing" horrible will have occurred in the end

Updated by anonymous

legally you can't post their work without their permission. we must understand there is little correlation between what is fair, and what is legal.

i have my doubts this entire website will stop dead in its tracks for failing to earn permission from an artist who would not like their art to be seen by more people. in the absence of this site banning it, i can't think of a problem with uploading their work, as plenty of work has been uploaded without the artist's arbitrary permission.

Updated by anonymous

Legally you don't have permission to draw fanart of any copyrighted character without explicit permission, so it comes with a bit of hypocrisy for most of those artists unwilling to let people share their work since most of them are doing just that.

The one detail I don't understand is redistributing artists' freely available public pictures cause no harm at all, but some artists make a huge fuss about it. Like I said many times, I get it when it is about being uncredited, art theft and really stupid edits, but this isn't a problem here, at least not for a long time if that ever happens. I really don't understand why so many artists refuse to get more spotlight and viewership by doing absolutely nothing, and actually think that their art being spread elsewhere by other people actually causes any sort of harm and views drop on their main gallery

Updated by anonymous

Neitsuke said:

reminds me of this:

post #1216912

perhaps artists don't understand the purpose of their craft is to be spread. if you're spread the most, you win. when we tell them we repost their work because we enjoy it, do they believe us?

maybe it's just a Japanese stigma that absolutely nobody reposts each others art.

Updated by anonymous

fewrahuxo said:
reminds me of this:

post #1216912

perhaps artists don't understand the purpose of their craft is to be spread. if you're spread the most, you win. when we tell them we repost their work because we enjoy it, do they believe us?

maybe it's just a Japanese stigma that absolutely nobody reposts each others art.

They reblog/tweet all the time. Some people want to control strictly where their art is posted, and others don't mind if you ask first. In the case of Pixiv it's literally in the ToS not to repost without permission.

That's all there is to it.

Updated by anonymous

Seems to be in place due to a ton of complaints from artists maybe, because the rule written like that sounds quite excessive for something that's already copyrighted protected by the Berne Convention. It's just weird to see this rule in place since the website is highly known for having a ton of doujins being merchandised with characters artists didn't themselves ask permission to draw and sell. That and the TOS says how you can't use Pixiv to commercially advertise, which they do by uploading samples on Pixiv and linking purchase link to their doujins.

One other funny part about that rule is how the latter part pretty much tells you that anything else to be done with the picture has to be asked for permissions first, so sorry guys, but that sounds like we can't fap to stuff from Pixiv without asking the artist first

Updated by anonymous

Always ask for permission before reposting (not reblogging / retweeting) an artist's work.

It's as simple as that.

Any further complications are weasel logic to intentionally confuse the situation, and I will have to conclude anyone doing such a thing is most likely generally an art thief.

Updated by anonymous

FibS said:

it appears you are most likely generalising everyone on this booru as an art thief, for I hazard the vast majority of posters here do not ask for permission from the artists, nor have the appropriate licenses to do so.

if you wish to make your vision of the artist having complete control over their work a reality, i invite you to scour through all 1.07 million posts and see which ones did not receive their proper permissions. at the end of the day, it will be barren.

Updated by anonymous

Neitsuke, considering that it's in our guidelines to ask, and it's in Pixiv's terms of service to ask, I'd rather not just post without asking. Sure, if it's impossible to contact an artist you're forced to decide for yourself, but gallery-based sites tend to not allow a closed inbox.

Frankly, even if the gallery doesn't have such a ToS, I will follow our own guidelines, because I happen to value being a respected uploader. People can look at my uploads and know that hey, these are artists who permit uploads! They can go to those galleries and upload without worry.
On the other hand, I look at images uploaded by others, and realize that they had a bunch of Takedown requests. Sure, sometimes it happens regardless, and an artist who gave permission before revokes it, but when a few images uploaded in a short term of time all get taken down shortly afterwards, then I realize I can't trust their uploads.

Updated by anonymous

With japanese artists, their art can get them in a lot of legal trouble. Especially if its uncensored due to laws put in place (mainly due to america) during the 50s that made it illegal to depict any form of genitalia without censorship of some kind.

So that clause is there for protection of those artists from the law. If you don't have upload permission by the artist from pixiv. You likely should not post it. Its as simple as that.

Updated by anonymous

That legal trouble theory sounds, kind of a weird excuse for "plz no redistribute" because Japanese artists, well everyone really, have to censor their stuff on Pixiv in the first place : That is a law and a policy on Pixiv. So I'm pretty certain it isn't there to protect people from the laws because they're already deleting pictures that are not censored properly (If they find it out or it gets reported)

And again, I don't see myself using up a lot of my time to ask left and right and manage all those replies from Japanese artists about permission to share publicly available art and remember who says Ya and who said Nah, because the idea of doing just that really sounds dumb to me. Unless the person is a close friend, or just someone from Skype that I happen to have, the idea of asking permission simply isn't there in my mind, but again, maybe I will at least start to let people know if I ever share their work on e621 with a shout on FA and InkBunny at least

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:

it so happens the majority of lurkers on this booru, and what i hazard at least 30% of its regular editors, don't find the artist's permission to hold any added value to a post. ask a lurker if they care about permissions, and they'll invariably say "yes" to avoid being rude, but ask them the top five things they look for in a post, and i doubt permission will be on the list.

Updated by anonymous

Neitsuke said:

And again, I don't see myself using up a lot of my time to ask left and right and manage all those replies from Japanese artists about permission to share publicly available art and remember who says Ya and who said Nah, because the idea of doing just that really sounds dumb to me. Unless the person is a close friend, or just someone from Skype that I happen to have, the idea of asking permission simply isn't there in my mind, but again, maybe I will at least start to let people know if I ever share their work on e621 with a shout on FA and InkBunny at least

Better to send a note instead, shouts would be spammy for long messages.

FA does a great job of organizing notes if you know how to use 'em. I have repurposed the priority mailboxes to indicate each artist/commissioner response, ie Low(Green) as Yes, Medium(Blue) as Maybe/Not asked yet, High(Red) as No/Ignored.

That way makes it much more easier to remember who said yes or no.

Updated by anonymous

Neitsuke said:
Legally you don't have permission to draw fanart of any copyrighted character

Could fine the one I was looking for, but this will do just fine.

Updated by anonymous

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