Topic: Removing/editing the Partran characters implying the Partran character owner

Posted under General

To open up: Partran, as a character owner, had been brought up before, but it didn't appear to be finished.

The tag Partran is being implied by two character tags, Partran_(red_panda) and Partran_(tiger). The usage as a copyright tag, however, is invalid because we do not tag character owners or commissioners. The tag Partran_(character) is/was not used, thus currently only the two aforementioned.

Something with the tag should happen; I will list the suggestions I have:

Changing the tag type to character; Use it as a character

Fairly simple, we alter the tag type to character, keep the implications, and use the tag in the same argument Kindred_(LoL) is: two different characters that uses a singular for searchability.

Remove the implications; Nuke the tag

Just remove the implications to Partran, and remove all instances of Partran where it is being used as a copyright, fixing the rest (I.E., missing artist tag, character tag, just research before remove). Usage further on is remove/fix as needed.

Aliasing the characters to it; Change the tag type to character; Use it as character

Same as just changing, but in reverse. I have no idea about the character, but if they are the same with the only exception being species, then we could just use it as a standalone. We can use alternate_species at discretion.

Leave it as is

Or, more specifically, your suggestion as to what we do. I might just add it in here, even.

These are not the only choices, just what I came up with.

Updated by partran

There is actually precedent of tagging commissioners as a copyright tag. This is for a fairly good reason, in the case of whitekitten.

Updated by anonymous

hsauq said:
What's the reasoning behind not tagging commissioners or character owners, anyway? What, exactly, would doing so be obstructing?

I think it'd make finding certain content easier, especially if a character owner/commissioner frequently associates with content that doesn't have a specific tag.

Or in my words: double edged blade: could be useful, could be useless, and every post that has it will tread that line for every individual. Not to take it personal, just quoting myself: "you" may find it useful, but to others it may be useless, or even a hinderence when blacklists are considered; all because of the myriad of applied posts compared to the stricter amount of posts tags usually apply to.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Partran is a single character who is/was at various times a horse, tiger or red panda. The best solution I could come up with was separating them and implicating the common feature Partran as the owner. It was approved by Partran and an admin at the time.

I still think this is the best solution, and I don't agree with the current policy of not tagging commissioners. They often own the art, they often have a consistent lore across their posts and users may want to use that to search.

That said if we just want a quick fix then eliminate the partran tag and associate partran_(red_panda) and partran_(tiger) through the wiki. The information will be less accessible but still there.

Updated by anonymous

I am going to assume you don't know what the double edged blade argument is, so I will explain it: it can be both beneficial and detrimental to the wielder (the users), because it can serve a purpose (searching & blacklisting) and it can be used against you with no flip (both functions are only as consistent as the tag, ergo it is not consistent with the image).

The tag method can be useful, but it also bites you in the rear. If an image you want to see has the copyright tag you blacklisted, you can't see it because of the blacklist. Which then follows suit towards everyone with blacklists and searches: a tag that can block or find one of every X in an image, on accident, is too ambiguous of a tag. It won't work for finding an image if it can find anything, and the aforementioned vice versa where it can blacklist anything unintentionally.

It also doesn't bode well, I've already had to debate on fixing the lack of 4tag minimum (multiple times, but won't list) when only the artist or character was tagged... adding a third tag type for someone to lazily identify an image as is too much, especially if it is found out to be incorrect (ever wanted to play "find the source?").

But ultimately: it was never my decision. I don't want to play the source game every time a copyright tag shows up, and I made a list to try to be neutral. Since this is a specific case involving multiple characters, I went ahead and made a small list of beneficial actions; I've been told otherwise to only nuke copyright tags when I questioned about making alias to invalid_tag requests. Two ultimatums are clashing here: I can't remove the implying tags, but the copyright is to be removed under multiple statements/implications.

Updated by anonymous

Considering that people who purchase commissions tend to have them flow in the same vein, in theme and characters both, I personally feel the tag of ownership is useful.

The previous example, ie: Whitekitten, is one that is a good example in my mind. Those image commissioned often fall into a series of themes that are easily winnowed out with a single tag.

I also find it valuable to collect all the works of my idea and funding I happen to spot under the tag, though I admit this may not be quite what was originally intended. I'd think it would work like the Artist tag in that the theme isn't what links these images one to another but the creator of the idea and concept. Creation of a commission is, in a way, a collaborative effort between the artist and the commissioner. One providing the skill and the other the funds and the idea. Like illustrations in a story, both would be tagged, would they not?

As for usefulness, assume someone sees a piece of my work they like that doesn't involve, directly, one of the characters later represented in the same theme they may also like. Without the link to creator being present they could miss it, where the creator tag could lead them to more works in that vein with characters not tagged on earlier art.

Updated by anonymous

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