Topic: Thoughts on "Fursuiting."

Posted under General

Personally I think everything about it and the peeps who do it are Rad ╹‿╹)

but I'm curious to see what other doods think about admittedly wierd pastime.
So, what do you think of it? ╹‿╹)

It doesn't matter if you like it too or personally find it weird/creepy.
Just curious hear what you have to say on the topic ◠‿╹)


It's weird and nerdy.

Having gone larping before, which is also inarguably weird and nerdy, that isn't really a condemnation. Larping was fun, and I'd consider trying it again if the opportunity presented itself. Weird and nerdy things can be fun to do.

I have zero personal interest in fursuiting, which makes sense because I don't really consider myself a furry, but I say, more power to the people who enjoy it.

To me it's not really that much different from general cosplay.

Updated by anonymous

I've considered doing it a few times as it looks pretty fun but the cost has kept me away. I've heard that fursuits can cost as much as $4000.

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Clawdragons said:
It's weird and nerdy.

Having gone larping before, which is also inarguably weird and nerdy, that isn't really a condemnation. Larping was fun, and I'd consider trying it again if the opportunity presented itself. Weird and nerdy things can be fun to do.

I have zero personal interest in fursuiting, which makes sense because I don't really consider myself a furry, but I say, more power to the people who enjoy it.

To me it's not really that much different from general cosplay.

You got a point dood, There really isn't that much of a cut off between cosplaying and fursuiting except that hugs are more common place lolz ◠‿╹)

wolftacos said:
It's an incredibly expensive pastime :(

Dusk_To_Dawn said:
I've considered doing it a few times as it looks pretty fun but the cost has kept me away. I've heard that fursuits can cost as much as $4000.

I'd say, Buying one of those things could cost about 1 or 2k easy. =P
(Might just make my own since that slightly cheaper and has a lot more free creativity wise ~ w ~)
Though I think it's worth it personally ◠‿◠)

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Notkastar said:
I'd say, Buying one of those things could cost about 1 or 2k easy. =P
(Might just make my own since that slightly cheaper and has a lot more free creativity wise ~ w ~)
Though I think it's worth it personally ◠‿◠)

I tried to make a head once, but it didn't go well, lol.

Maybe one day I'll save up and buy a partial :P

Updated by anonymous

wolftacos said:
I tried to make a head once, but it didn't go well, lol.

Maybe one day I'll save up and buy a partial :P

Don't worry, I won't pry for deets.
Just gonna say you gave it your best shot and that's more then what most peeps can say.
(I know it's more then what I can say lolz ◠‿╹)

Same too if the make one idea doesn't work out for me ether. Though I'd spread out the payment bit by bit as I have the money to spend. Like buying a head by it's self first and so on and on ~ w ~)

Updated by anonymous

some look nice, some not so much.

saw pics of pandapaco's suit on their IB gallery before. cute looking panda though i can't help but find fursuits in general to be at least a little creepy.

that aside, this stuff is so far out of my price range it's not even worth looking into. hundreds, if not thousands on one suit? if i had that kind of money i wouldn't be stuck with this old laptop. (i know what i'll be checking out around christmas time this year and it won't be video game related.)

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treos said:
(i know what i'll be checking out around christmas time this year and it won't be video game related.)

Aw and all this time I thought I had a good idea what it would be T w T)

You really should get this game though, If your a fan of rpg's in any ways it's a must buy.

Buuuuuut~ seriousness lolz ◠‿╹)

treos said:
some look nice, some not so much.

saw pics of pandapaco's suit on their IB gallery before. cute looking panda though i can't help but find fursuits in general to be at least a little creepy.

Just saw it and looks nice, Very cute! ╹‿╹)
Kinda impartial to telephone's suit myself
(The craft is awesome but them eyes ╹ ╹)
And I can understand that, Some suits just don't make it over the uncanny valley

Updated by anonymous

Notkastar said:
You got a point dood, There really isn't that much of a cut off between cosplaying and fursuiting except that hugs are more common place lolz ◠‿╹)

I've heard that cosplayers get quite a few hugs, so maybe not even that.

Updated by anonymous

Clawdragons said:
I've heard that cosplayers get quite a few hugs, so maybe not even that.

I've only done public cosplay a few times and yes, they do get lots of hugs.

Some totally by surprise, too (how I got both ankles hurt during a con).

I'd be scared of publicly fursuiting honestly, because then you have hugs from strangers while you're half blinded by the head. Also I'm scared of kids and kids tend to like things that look like giant stuffed animals.

Updated by anonymous

Too expensive for me. Some of those fursuits would cost around $1k-$2k. I could get a good used car with that money

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Honesty? I find most fursuits to be rather creepy. Especially the ones with giant saucer-like flat eyes and goofy cartoony grins.

The rare more realistic ones such as this and this are pretty great, though.

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Genjar said:
Honesty? I find most fursuits to be rather creepy. Especially the ones with giant saucer-like flat eyes and goofy cartoony grins.

That's a really good way to put it. I suppose I would feel less strange about getting a realistic one or a good quadsuit, but it's still not my cup of tea.

TheHuskyK9 said:
Too expensive for me. Some of those fursuits would cost around $1k-$2k. I could get a good used car with that money

Or a lot of dongs.

Updated by anonymous

I'm a fursuiter myself. It's a lot of sweat. So much sweat. The bodysuit isn't that bad, it's the head that makes it so damn warm. It's fun though!

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regsmutt said:
I'm a fursuiter myself. It's a lot of sweat. So much sweat. The bodysuit isn't that bad, it's the head that makes it so damn warm. It's fun though!

Lolz, knew it had to be hot in those thing. T w T)
I mean you would essentially be wearing a full body fur coat indoors ~ w ~)
(Really hope those cons have AC T w T)
Also your a fursuiter? Dood that's awesome! ◠‿◠)
I would love to hear about your you time around other suiters at cons
(I'm assuming ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))
if wouldn't mind sharing ╹‿╹)

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Genjar said:

Huh. This is the only fursuit I've ever looked at and thought that it looked genuinely cool. I'm impressed! Seriously impressed!

Updated by anonymous

Notkastar said:
Lolz, knew it had to be hot in those thing. T w T)
I mean you would essentially be wearing a full body fur coat indoors ~ w ~)
(Really hope those cons have AC T w T)
Also your a fursuiter? Dood that's awesome! ◠‿◠)
I would love to hear about your you time around other suiters at cons
(I'm assuming ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))
if wouldn't mind sharing ╹‿╹)

There's not too much to share, honestly. I dress up as a big dog and goof off and do simple stunts until I get too warm, which happens fairly quickly. XP And yeah, the hotels do have AC as well as 'headless lounges' where suiters can sit in front of gigantic fans and cool off.
I'm not really sure what you're assuming? I like playing games and doing little skits with other suiters. I do keep it all sfw beyond the occasional leg lift gag.

Updated by anonymous

fursuiting seems interesting. The appeal I have for it is the idea of not having to worry about how people view me in the same way.

regsmutt said:
I do keep it all sfw beyond the occasional leg lift gag.


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wolftacos said:
It's an incredibly expensive pastime :(

This here is my opinion on it too.
I was curious about it once (didn't want to do it, I don't have that kinda confidence) and was surprised by just how expensive those things are.

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Dusk_To_Dawn said:
Well, that's fuckin' cool.

I'd say ◠‿╹)
It's such a realistic doggo!

regsmutt said:
There's not too much to share, honestly. I dress up as a big dog and goof off and do simple stunts until I get too warm, which happens fairly quickly. XP And yeah, the hotels do have AC as well as 'headless lounges' where suiters can sit in front of gigantic fans and cool off.
I'm not really sure what you're assuming? I like playing games and doing little skits with other suiters. I do keep it all sfw beyond the occasional leg lift gag.

*shrug* Fair enough ︶ w ︶)
Not saying mingling with like minded peeps in a rp style way doesn't sound
fun (Because it does, It really really does!) Just thought there was more layers to this already amazing cake. ◠‿╹)

As for what I was assuming...

Lolz alright I'm dood enough to admit this, I was assuming "That." ~ w ~)
What can I say, I'm interested in 'Every' part of fursuiting ╹//‿/︶ )
(As embarrassing that is to admit ~//w//~)
Though I know that not every suiter does this and I respect that.
Just wanted to indirectly ask if you did to see if today
was going to be the day I finally get some of my most
burning questions about it answered ╹‿╹)

Like wouldn't doing that destroy your suit after time,
How do you even with the tunnel vision
(or is visibility in suits better then what I'm assuming ~ w ~)
Does suiting while *clears throat ╹ ///╹)* Really enhance
the exp of the whole thing, How do you not pass out with Full body fur
coat on full body fur coat indoors doing the thing guaranteed to raise
both your body heat levels etc.

You know, Just some things I've been meaning to ask a that
kind of suiter for a surprisingly long time lolz ◠‿╹)

Updated by anonymous


Can't wait for 2030 when you complete your ???kind transformation and we get to see the results.

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Notkastar said:
Lolz alright I'm dood enough admit this, I was assuming "That." ~ w ~)

Fair enough lol. Maybe be more upfront about it though so you can get the responses you want.

I can't really answer most of your questions, but I can say that it probably isn't more destructive than other kinds of use. Wearing the suit at all is going to destroy it over time because it's fabric and it tears, stretches, and wears out. Fur gets mats that build, heat damages the fibers. As far as sex goes, the friction might mat fur in some areas faster, and if you wash it after each use that'll wear out the fabric eventually, but you'd have to be using it a lot to really see a significant effect.

As far as visibility, I have no clue what's really desirable for sex but I can say that visibility in fursuits is awful. Make 'hand binoculars' and that's about your range of vision. You have no peripheral vision and a huge blindspot in the lower half of your field of view thanks to the muzzle. Some suits have better vision than others but it's never going to be spectacular.

Updated by anonymous

regsmutt said:
Fair enough lol. Maybe be more upfront about it though so you can get the responses you want.

I can't really answer most of your questions, but I can say that it probably isn't more destructive than other kinds of use. Wearing the suit at all is going to destroy it over time because it's fabric and it tears, stretches, and wears out. Fur gets mats that build, heat damages the fibers. As far as sex goes, the friction might mat fur in some areas faster, and if you wash it after each use that'll wear out the fabric eventually, but you'd have to be using it a lot to really see a significant effect.

As far as visibility, I have no clue what's really desirable for sex but I can say that visibility in fursuits is awful. Make 'hand binoculars' and that's about your range of vision. You have no peripheral vision and a huge blindspot in the lower half of your field of view thanks to the muzzle. Some suits have better vision than others but it's never going to be spectacular.

Lolz, Your right. I really shouldn't be all afraid to ask seeing
what site we're on to begin with. ◠‿◠)

Huh, Guess you got a point there ◠‿╹)
I mean doing the do in suits is the equivalent of just some very aggressive petting
(Causing pretty much the same amount of wear and tear suit wise)
Just thought there would to it and more risk of damaging something considering
what the peeps are doing lolz ╹‿╹)
(Plus I'm still insanely curious if it really helps a peep 'get into character'
doing it with the suit on ~ w ~)

It's cool that I was kinda right, But still sucks to hear from
an actual suiter that the vision in the heads are pretty bad. T w T
Guess it can't be helped if you wanna pull off the look completely but still.
Really hope peeps someday find out a way to sort that out.
I mean if they can make those awesome things, Wouldn't be
all that much of a stretch for someone to figure out a way to fix
the tunnel vision problem ◠‿╹)

Also It's k if you can't answer them all; I'm really glad with the
answers i got thus far. Thanks a a lot rad suiter dood!

Updated by anonymous

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