Topic: Flash Issue

Posted under General

Don't really know what category this would fit in so I just left it at General.

Anyway, I have no idea what is happening with Chrome and this site since
I have never had this problem before. The main problem BEING that when I click on a flash post, it asks me to 'Click to enable flash.'. This has never happened before since it just went to the post.

I click it and it just refreshes the tab with the same prompt of 'Click to enable flash.'. I've done everything I could on my own, updated flash, used different versions of chrome, and tried to see if anyone else was having problems. Only one other person was having the problem about 5 years ago but it didn't look like it was resolved.

I tested the site on the Microsoft Edge browser and all flashes seemed fine, they went directly to the post without the 'Click to enable flash.' prompt.

I have no idea whats changed with Chrome, I don't know if it was the last update or something but I have not been able to view flash posts for some time now, everything else works as intended.

Its even weirder when every single flash for every other site works just fine, its only this site I'm having problems on.

The only other problem is the near infinite loading time it takes to just access the site, I have to cancel the load to see the search bar and then I'm able to search anything I like but the background is white.

If anyone here knows what's wrong, help would be greatly appreciated.


Deadlyrace said:
I tried looking for that but I dont have the Plugins category there, only the Flash category is there.

it so happens by the time i install Chromium and try to diagnose your issue, you will most likely have figured out the issue for yourself.

Updated by anonymous

fewrahuxo said:
it so happens by the time i install Chromium and try to diagnose your issue, you will most likely have figured out the issue for yourself.

You've gotta be kidding me... literally as soon as I go back to another flash post.......... it works.... you have got to be kidding me, I have absolutely no idea what I did (if I even did anything at all) and every flash it working now.

Thanks for your time I guess...

Updated by anonymous

I did find out why e621 was taking so long to load the main page though, its that makes it take forever and wont stop loading til I tell it to.

This entire situation makes me want to throw my monitor through my wall.

Updated by anonymous

fewrahuxo said:
it so happens by the time i install Chromium and try to diagnose your issue, you will most likely have figured out the issue for yourself.

Ok so.... I closed my browser, reopened it and went to a flash post... what do you know... 'Click to enable flash'... I'm actually going to take a hammer to this thing, I have never had these kinds of problems before, I have changed nothing at all and it just stops working. If you ever figure out what happening please for the love of god tell me.

I'm losing hair by the second.

Updated by anonymous

fewrahuxo said:
click-to-play is a security feature that prevents malicious use of Flash.

if you haven't already, go into your plugin settings and disable it. this may be of use:

Chrome versions 8.0.552 and above support Click to Play functionality for browser plugins.

Chrome version 8 was released in 2010. We are now in version 60. Also then default was "run everything" where now they default to "ask for permission". Even if the setting was still there, the functionality could've changed, so pages like that are useless.

Deadlyrace said:
Ok so.... I closed my browser, reopened it and went to a flash post... what do you know... 'Click to enable flash'... I'm actually going to take a hammer to this thing, I have never had these kinds of problems before, I have changed nothing at all and it just stops working. If you ever figure out what happening please for the love of god tell me.

I'm losing hair by the second.

If everything works with other browsers, then do reset and/or clean install of the chrome.

Updated by anonymous

fewrahuxo said:
it so happens by the time i install Chromium and try to diagnose your issue, you will most likely have figured out the issue for yourself.

I have figured out one thing though, it's happening when I'm not logged into my account, after I DO login, it takes a minute or two for the post to actually work.

Thats about as much as I could gather.

Updated by anonymous

Mario69 said:
Chrome version 8 was released in 2010. We are now in version 60. Also then default was "run everything" where now they default to "ask for permission". Even if the setting was still there, the functionality could've changed, so pages like that are useless.

If everything works with other browsers, then do reset and/or clean install of the chrome.

Well that's the thing, I've uninstalled and reinstalled Chrome tons of times already.

Updated by anonymous

Mario69 said:
Chrome version 8 was released in 2010. We are now in version 60. Also then default was "run everything" where now they default to "ask for permission". Even if the setting was still there, the functionality could've changed, so pages like that are useless.

If everything works with other browsers, then do reset and/or clean install of the chrome.

So I reset everything and got everything the way I normally have it. Tried the flash post, asked me to 'Click to enable flash', did it, it worked first try while I wasn't logged in.

Everything is basically still the same except the posts are working, though I doubt it will stay the way.

Updated by anonymous

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