Topic: How did you find out or know you were a Furry/Scalie and when? What did you discover about yourself after?

Posted under General

When I was about 14 I watched a National Geographic Documentary on Furries and I have gained a huge interest since. I didn't really get into Furry Pornography until I was 15 when I became more curious. I started off on Google images because I didn't know any sites to go on with art on them for I was new to this. From there I browsed for a few months I think until I found out you can click on a link to bring you to the site that the art came from. From there I was introduced to YaioHaven which had both Hentai and Furry art. I wasn't into the Hentai. But when the site went down for maintenance and became their new site I discovered which had mostly Scalie Pornography on it. I liked the art on YaioHaven and Herpy but I didn't like their interfaces too much. So from there I searched for new Furry and Scalie Pornography sites. That was when I was introduced to I obviously still use it to this day and it is really the only site I use for Furry and Scalie Pornography. After a few weeks of me being 18 I finally decided to get a account for

When I discovered I was a Furry and Scalie it kind of shocked me because I not only found out I was a Furry/Scalie but that I was really into the gay pornography. I thought I was straight. I discovered two things about myself that day. It is funny too because I would only date a Fursuiter. I personally would love to own a Fursuit before going into the dating game.
My parents and friends don't know till this day mainly because my family and friends have a negative view on Furries/Scalies.

So my question to you guys is:

When did you guys find out you were a Furry/Scalie and what did it teach you about yourself?

Updated by DistantSouls


Former Staff

Always made anthro art but didn't know there was a name for it until I was about 12-13. Just figured that it meant I like anthropomorphic animals since I draw them a lot. I don't have any vested interest in the media of most other people and I have no interest in porn. All it really taught me is that there's a name for people who like anthropomorphic animals.

Updated by anonymous

Fidget54 said:

When did you guys find out you were a Furry/Scalie and what did it teach you about yourself?

I don't think it was called "Furry" back then, and even if it was I wouldn't have known it back then, but I was sexually aroused by anthropomorphic art back in 1980 when I was 9 years old. A couple years later the video game Dig Dug came out and I fell in love with Fygar the Dragon and got quite a few other kids upset with me because I didn't want to pump him up and tried to find other ways to take him out, and if he was the last monster I'd be torn between catching him at the last second and popping him, or just letting him go.

I started drawing my own porn when I was 13 years old. Fygar figured prominently in the art, but also other dragons that I'd seen in various Renaissance paintings of St. George and so on, and I would often imagine them having families and fighting the evil humans who wanted them all dead, and it was a lot of very childish fantasies that I had. I obviously had the attraction to anthro animals in general, but it was the dragons that were my true passion, and still are to this day.

I first discovered art that was actually called "Furry Art" back around 2002. I found some of my early favorite artists on VCL and Furtopia, as well as individual artist sites like FoxxFire's Webpage Of Yiffy Furry Art, Kaa Starhunter's Anthrosaurian Imagery, and I also found that I rather enjoyed some "clean" artists like Kelly Hamilton through her Yerf page and her Jungle Studio website, as well as "mostly clean" artists like Ahkahna (I hope I spelled that right?) on DeviantArt.

I didn't consider myself a furry back then, even though I did enjoy the artwork. I had a lot of porn guilt, unfortunately, and someone had told me that furry art was either fully illegal or could get me into trouble in some other way, and plus I was a devout Fundie Christian at the time, so porn was demonic or so my church kept telling me. Plus there was guilt because my favorite art subject was dragons and our church taught us that dragons=Satan. Lots of guilt tripping involved. So I would build up this big porn collection, then I'd delete it, then I'd go back and rebuild it almost immediately, all the while feeling like I was doing something really, really dirty and nasty. What made it worse, though, was that I didn't just destroy the collection I downloaded off the Internet, but I would also destroy any new art that I had drawn, and that was something I couldn't just re-download the way I could with Internet porn.

In late 2008 I deconverted from Christianity, and shortly after that I started looking into Wicca and other forms of Neopaganism. In February of 2009, I "Awakened" as a Dragon Otherkin, but I still didn't consider myself a furry despite all the furry porn I had. Even after I joined FA in August of that year, I still didn't call myself a furry because there was a stigma in the Otherkin community surrounding being Otherkin and furry at the same time... basically, IIRC it was some kind of weird belief that if you called yourself a furry and an Otherkin at the same time you weren't really "serious" about your Otherkin beliefs. A couple years and several other Otherkin having blocked me because my dragon form was anthropomorphic, and I finally just said screw it, and I started calling myself a furry. I'd been doing scaly art for decades and I'd been doing commissions for a couple years by that point, and with all the crap being flung at me by the Otherkin community I actually felt more at home on furry sites, because they're not all about spirituality and being "correct" like a lot of Otherkin sites tend to be. Part of the reason I left Christianity was to get away from that type of heretic-hunting bullshit, I really didn't want to have to deal with more of it elsewhere... especially from people who think that they're mythological animals like dragons. I didn't get that kind of BS from furries, so I naturally gravitated more toward furry sites over time.

As for what being a Furry taught me? I don't know really. Maybe just that I'm not alone in all my weird fetishes, and in all honesty I suppose that's enough right there. Knowing I'm not the only one on Earth who likes the stuff I do makes me feel less like a creepy pervert and more like a normal human being, Otherkin beliefs notwithstanding.

Updated by anonymous

InannaEloah said:

As for what being a Furry taught me? I don't know really. Maybe just that I'm not alone in all my weird fetishes, and in all honesty I suppose that's enough right there. Knowing I'm not the only one on Earth who likes the stuff I do makes me feel less like a creepy pervert and more like a normal human being, Otherkin beliefs notwithstanding.

That is quite a story I am glad you told. I love the Furry community on E621 because of how nice and friendly most of them are. I mean as for spirituality I feel you on being ridiculed being an Atheist isn't an exactly easy thing to say let alone a Furry. I am not afraid to tell people I am Atheist but I am afraid to tell people I am a Furry oddly enough. Though the Furry community seems awesome. As for Otherkin I have heard of them once but I thought they were one in the same with Furries and got along with them I didn't know there was a stigma between the two. Thank you for telling that story I enjoyed reading it. It is nice to know how other people discovered who they were. I did not realize that Furries existed back in the 80's I thought it was a fairly recent thing. Though I guess looking though history with anthro art in Egyptian and other cultures I guess mankind has somewhat of a fascination with Anthro characters. I am sorry the otherkin did not take to you being a Furry all to well I know how it feels to be detached from something you were deeply connected to. Also I had no clue Christians thought that a dragon was satan. Learn something new everyday. Thank you so much for your story it was awesome reading it. Sorry for cutting the story from my reply I didn't want it to take up too much space. Oh and no your not alone know you have a community of Furries and Scalies that are proud to be as weird and awesome as you are!

Updated by anonymous

I became interested in the fandom at the age of around 12 or so, I believe. I had always been a fan of movies and shows like The Lion King, Robin Hood, Tom & Jerry, etc. I just never fully associated for several years, though. I was actually introduced to the porn first (go figure) and became a relatively active member of the community from there. The fandom has helped me realize and accept my own bisexuality, has made me more open about some fetishes with my SO, and more. I couldn't be happier to be in the same community as y'all fluffbutts and scalies.

Updated by anonymous

I'm not sure how to answer I'm pretty sure I've always thought animals were hot and I'll be honest not even exclusively anthropomorphic ones ...yeah.

Anyway I was one of those people that for reasons unknown to me at the time really enjoyed the archery scene in robin hood when he gets caught and tied up, now that I think about it I'm still not sure why I enjoyed the scene so much it's not like I care for bondage now.

my favorite character in most things were always the animal character such as redXIII from final fantasy 7 or sabrewulf from killer instinct and sherry here post #59026 I had a super big crush on her in fact I still draw her a lot, not even porn just like portraits and stuff.

Another thing about me is I think anthropomorphic characters in cartoons contributed to me becoming a nudist because they usually wear much less or no clothing compared to the human character if there are any like fifi le fume or sandy cheeks from sponge bob sandy isn't nude but it stood out that she had two different outfits one which is basically underwear when she's home. I always thought they looked so much more comfortable without clothing.

Finally when I begin looking at internet porn and I always laugh at myself for this I so didn't know what I was doing I first searched for playboy. After enough wandering around on the internet I found more things I like and eventually started seeing pictures of renamon I didn't know who or what she was because I used to watch pokemon when I was little but I thought she was amazing back then. And of course there is krystal I actively searched for anything with her.

And lastly how I found e621 I first found a flash game with midna on some weird site I can't remember and once I was finished with that game I was looking at other animations there and found one by h0rs3 now up until then I thought I just liked girls but as soon as I watched that animation I turned full on gay for awhile and only looked a gay furry porn for quite some time and while looking for more animations by h0rs3 I found e621 and I've been here ever since. And now that the novelty has worn off I like girls again as well.

I'm not sure when or where I first heard the term furry but I suppose it fits me so yeah there's my life story, enjoy. oh and as I tell everyone feel free to ask me anything you want.

Updated by anonymous

I've liked anthros pretty much my whole life due to growing up with shows like Looney Toons and what have you, and I've always enjoyed creating my own anthro characters and using my imagination to do whatever I want with them.
I didn't start thinking about anthros in a sexual way until I was either 13 or 14 because at that time, Nintendo released Star Fox Adventures and introduced the world to that gorgeous blue vixen we all know as Krystal.
However, I didn't find out about the furry fandom until '08 when I was 20. After that point, I learned more about the various facets of the fandom over the years, eventually coming across furry art which just blew me the fuck away. Eventually, I decided that I wanted to be a part of all this, which led to me creating my wolf fursona and calling myself a furry.
What has being a furry taught me? Not much really, just that there's a fandom for people who like anthropomorphic animal characters and that I'm not the only one who finds said characters attractive.

Updated by anonymous

idk, idk, I don't care about about "furry", "scalie", and all other million names.

idk when or how I came here, but I stayed for the fap.

Updated by anonymous

Cartoon Network, and then some curious Google searches that lead me here to e6 back in like 2012. Only got an account here this year. Fun fact: I only discovered FurAffinity last year. And apparently FA is a first site for many people. Not me! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Updated by anonymous

Embarrassingly, my transition came when I was the trailer for
"Cats & Dogs 2: Revenge of Kitty Galore" when was 10 (I'm 14 now).

I proceeded to have fantasies, each becoming more questionable than the last, and have the term "cat girl" pop up in my search history more than just several times because I wasn't familiar with the term furry.

After that is very obscure, but I'm pretty sure looking at lewd Digimon comics and discovering e621 boosted me to the position of horniness I am today.

Updated by anonymous

My path to learning I was a Furry leads back into my VERY early years. Considering those years are also very blurry pieces of my memory, all I have to go by are tidbits of the Digimon anime on TV. Skip ahead a few years, and my exposure expanded from TV to Video Games in the form of the Sony PlayStation. On it, I had experienced the Crash Bandicoot and Spyro the Dragon franchises. In these years, I can determine I developed my first crush in the form of Elora from Spyro 2. Skip ahead many more years, and I find that I maintained exposure to Anthro. I was actively seeking to watch old episodes of shows like the SATam Sonic cartoon and (again) Digimon. However, skip ahead to just two years ago... I was browsing some forums in search of addon content for a game, before coming across a link to Aside from outside mentionings of "Furry's", I never really understood it until finding this very site. That was what pushed the bridge for me.

Updated by anonymous

Admittedly, I'm kinda in a weird position when it comes to anthropomorphism. Generic furry porn doesn't really do anything for me. Sonic R34 is the only anthro art I really get off too, and also the only series I even look at R34 of. I don't even like Zootopia porn. However, I do really like diaper/babyfur art, moreso than drawn diaper art of human characters.

On the non-sexual side, I guess I've sort of always enjoyed anything with anthro characters. Sonic, Zootopia, Bojack Horseman, Looney Tunes (come to think of it, Baby Looney Tunes might be part of why I like babyfur art in the first place), to name a few.

I don't really remember how I came across the furry fandom in the first place, tbh, but I also don't remember what I had for breakfast. I'd heard the term around the Internet, usually in a derogatory manner. Part of me wants to say I was really made aware of it during my time in the MLP fandom, part of me thinks I stumbled across it looking for diaper-related art/stories when I was younger. But I can't rightly say.

Updated by anonymous

I was drawing furries back before I even knew what to call them, or even thought anything of it.

I was condemned from the start.

In all seriousness, I suppose that I eventually discovered furries as being a community via the internet, and... well, I at least finally had a name for it, and adopted the classification.

Updated by anonymous

Honestly, from being a fan of Tom and Jerry, Bugs Bunny, and Lady and the Tramp. Think that's when I became fond of anthro characters and then and High Tail Hall sealed the deal. First furry image I saw was a Dr. Comet pic. True story.

I guess what it taught me is that anything can be a fetish

Updated by anonymous

Fetishes for furry people cropped up before I knew what being furry was, basically around that point... 17? Yes, it made me as a person realized I'd be damned to the abyss for having a tragic fetish. ;;

Updated by anonymous

Well to be honest I started as a brony, I only collceted feral pony art but and than I discovered other parts of this site like dragons and pokemons. But the feral things sticked with me, and I still don't like anthro stuff.

Actually I've never been really a furry, ofcourse I loved cartoons but not the the one who had anthro animals in them. I think the word furry is used on too many people, because no one has ever tried to name the perv categories on the internet.

So yeah I'm a transformed brony who still doesn't like anthros too much.

Updated by anonymous

It started as a fascination for animations and cartons, then when i got into puberty 12-15 (i don't really remember) i discovered anthropomorphic animals as a sub interest. I tried to stay away from it though because of social norms and i already where in a gray area but i gave inn after short time. It was only recently(1 - 2 years ago) i started to see other qualities in anthropomorphic animals and the community especially. I am now stumbling into the community as a vent for my fascination and felling for the subject as a young adult.

Updated by anonymous

i don't know what i put last time someone made a topic asking this and don't care to dig through my past 1.6k+ forum posts so...

my best guess, since i don't really remember anymore, would be back whenever it was that i first came across FA. that or palcomix. pretty sure it was before i was 18 too.

as for what i learned about myself afterwards over time... i really REALLY prefer anthros and other furry critters over humans. to the point where i can be rather misanthropic when i feel like it or when looking through various news sites and seeing just how shitty the world at large has become/is becoming irl. humans SUCK! (and they're not overly attractive in comparison to furries imo.)

Ratte said:
Always made anthro art but didn't know there was a name for it until I was about 12-13. Just figured that it meant I like anthropomorphic animals since I draw them a lot. I don't have any vested interest in the media of most other people and I have no interest in porn. All it really taught me is that there's a name for people who like anthropomorphic animals.

and my time at e621 has shown that many of us here really aren't overly interested in porn o_O or sex. which is strange given the vast quantities of smut archived and tagged in great detail here.

my hands are about as far as that interest goes.

Updated by anonymous

I always liked wolves and stuff. Thought they were cool. Then I figured, "hey, look, these anthro characters are like the coolness of wolves mixed with the coolness of people. And the sexiness of people, in some cases." Good deal.

All there was to discover was that I had been a nerdy faggot all along

Humanity_above_all said:
It started as a fascination for animations and cartons

Do you prefer milk or orange juice?

Updated by anonymous

Fenrick said:
I always liked wolves and stuff. Thought they were cool. Then I figured, "hey, look, these anthro characters are like the coolness of wolves mixed with the coolness of people. And the sexiness of people, in some cases." Good deal.

All there was to discover was that I had been a nerdy faggot all along

Do you prefer milk or orange juice?

I don't get it

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
You misspelled "Cartoons" as "Cartons," like milk cartons.

Ops, Well its my second language so you have to excuse me for my typo.

Updated by anonymous

I remember it started way back when I got Sly Cooper 3 with Carmelita. I had a crush on her then, and I still sorta do now. It wasn't until I played The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon that I would realize that I thought dragons were attractive (Cynder). I remember being curious one night and went to look up pictures of Cynder. I ended up on and was drawn to the pornographic art, so naturally I wanted to look for more.

I call myself a bisexual scalie (straight male irl), but I wouldn't go so far as to make a suit or something along those lines. My interests in them are almost exclusively porn related on e621. Outside of the R34 realm, I love to see them in movies, play as them in video games, and read from their perspective in books. I just find them super attractive xD

Updated by anonymous

When I saw furry porn accidentally. Became a furry almost immediately after that.

Updated by anonymous

i was shit at drawing human faces and animal bodies but i was better at drawing animal faces and human bodies so i kinda smashed them together into anthros. i have been drawing them since i was like 10. when i was 15, i met this one furry guy online and when he saw my drawings, he introduced me to the furry stuff, showed me furaffinity and e6 and so on. and it has been downhill ever since.

Updated by anonymous

Ledian said:
i was shit at drawing human faces and animal bodies but i was better at drawing animal faces and human bodies so i kinda smashed them together into anthros. i have been drawing them since i was like 10. when i was 15, i met this one furry guy online and when he saw my drawings, he introduced me to the furry stuff, showed me furaffinity and e6 and so on. and it has been downhill ever since.

Why downhill?

Updated by anonymous

DelurC said:
Why downhill?

jacking off to talking animals is not exactly what i desired from my life

Updated by anonymous

Was introduced to porn when I was a kid. Each time I encountered it, only shit I liked was anthro. Caught a friend's gallery while staying the night at his place in highschool, and got really set off by a gay lucario pic. Started enjoying porn from then on.

I ain't learned shit except that dudes with animal ears makes my dick cry. Ain't shit else changed or effected my life

Updated by anonymous

I always drew anthro animals. I didn't look at furry porn until I was 18 because I followed the rules and wasn't interested anyway. I still prefer ferals in smut.

Updated by anonymous

I remember being like 12 and finding a website of furry porn and thinking, "Wow, this is so stupid, only losers like this hahahaha." Then I bookmarked it.

It was all down hill for me afterthat

Updated by anonymous

I was always into anthro characters from shows, movies and games. I was really into Sonic back then and the fandom which I guess also boosted my love for anthos and furry stuff. I discovered furry porn from comics more specifically Palcomix, the first one I saw was a page of Ashchu and Meowth blowing each other and I dug deeper and found Sonic comics and all kinds of great stuff. I too was very young like 12 years old or so when I discovered it but I've been a furry since I was like 5-8.

Updated by anonymous

tbh is was this pic right here that really sold me ~ w ~)
post #128969

Though it wasn't as simple as turning on a light for me. ╹‿╹ ;)
Idk if more peeps went through this but at first I just hated
myself for even thinking I was a furry.

It's hard to explain but, it felt just like the time I was coming to
terms with liking doods. A combination of stories I've been told and
how I was raised that being *insert here* was the worst thing ever
and that I would get all the STD's if I was one had me spiraling
in a pit of "What am I?!" when I realized I was one.

Really started getting into the fandom since I came across that pic up
there out of the blue. It confused me to no end since I was still denying
both being gay and a furry at that time. My curiosity got the better of me
though and I started looking up more furry art and more and... Tw T)~<3

A few months pass, I start to accept who I am and what I want from llife
thanks to the fandoms accepting nature.
I realized everything I've been told by my folks was pretty much
stereotyping bs that I'm sure would have gotten them told off
if they said it in public lolz T w T). And I slowly mold into the
type of person I am today who wears who I am on my sleeve and
strides to be as accepting to peeps as the community that open
my eyes so long ago ◠‿◠)

Updated by anonymous

i was the type of kid to read ED, back when the Internet was new, cool, and edgy. being exposed to shocking content at a younger age makes one more mature and cool-headed, accepting things as they come. my parents shouldn't be worried about it. they'll never know.

of course they had an article on furries about there. poor blokes. back when furry hate was still a thing i had to mark my social profiles as "i don't hate furries, i just think they're cool." and you can guess what happened.

when i remember more details i'll give them out.

Updated by anonymous

Notkastar said:
It's hard to explain but, it felt just like the time I was coming to
terms with liking doods. A combination of stories I've been told and
how I was raised that being *insert here* was the worst thing ever
and that I would get all the STD's if I was one had me spiraling
in a pit of "What am I?!" when I realized I was one.

hello section fail. lol i wonder what causes that. perhaps the thumbnail dtext or something?

and sadly, a lot of people grow up in such an environment. :( misinformation, lies, deception...the list goes on and all of it coming from a number of different sources. it's really sad that even nowadays, people can be so...hateful and mean.

thankfully the same can't be said of me. :) told my aunt i'm gay a few years ago and while she disapproves, she doesn't let it cause any problems (uncle might...never actually told him or had any particular reason to so maybe, maybe not. i dunno). as for the "furry" stuff...well, i'm an adult and they don't really pry into anything i happen to be doing unless it's something that would get me in trouble.

uh...things such as piracy don't really count on that last part though. some things might be a little less than legal but the chances of being arrested for it (if your not a provider) are veeery low. usually

Updated by anonymous

First off I don't consider myself a full-fledged furry...because I don't have a fursona, I have no desire to craft and/or wear a fursuit, and I generally dislike animals.

But do I like furry porn? Yep. I never had an "awakening"...I've just always liked it, and I've never felt ashamed of just feels natural to me. Any straight male who looks at Lola Bunny and doesn't want to bang her needs to get his dick checked. I really don't understand the shame factor. It's not like I'd openly tell my friends about it or anything, but I don't feel more shame or guilt when fapping to furry porn than I do fapping to "normal" porn.

Updated by anonymous

Dyrone said:
First off I don't consider myself a full-fledged furry...because I don't have a fursona, I have no desire to craft and/or wear a fursuit, and I generally dislike animals.

But do I like furry porn? Yep.

then, in a way, you do like animals and that's likely the bare minimum of what's needed to be considered a furry.

Updated by anonymous

Dyrone said:
I generally dislike animals.

But do I like furry porn? Yep.

So you only like animals when they're fucking?

Dyrone said:
I never had an "awakening"...I've just always liked it, and I've never felt ashamed of just feels natural to me. Any straight male who looks at Lola Bunny and doesn't want to bang her needs to get his dick checked.

So humans who are only sexually attracted to humans need to be checked? Most people aren't into interspecies romance.

Dyrone said:
I really don't understand the shame factor. It's not like I'd openly tell my friends about it or anything, but I don't feel more shame or guilt when fapping to furry porn than I do fapping to "normal" porn.

Most people don't feel shame when they're alone. The unusual things you enjoy don't feel shameful until someone else finds out about it and starts judging you for it.

Updated by anonymous

personally i'm glad the rest of you have great memories with which to share your furry awakening. otherwise we'd have to speculate how somebody goes from normie to furry.

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
So you only like animals when they're fucking?

Well when they've been anthropomorphized to look like humans, yeah. And I said I generally dislike animals. As in I dislike MOST of the animal kingdom. What has a walrus ever done for me? This is in contrast to those people who tend to say they love ALL animals.

BlueDingo said:
So humans who are only sexually attracted to humans need to be checked?

I mean yeah...considering so many furries are drawn and designed to be sexy. They have all the right curves...if you get nothing from that you probably have an extremely low sex drive or you're just lying cause you're afraid of being weird or whatever.

I mean fucking Lola Bunny wouldn't be like fucking a literal rabbit. She's more like an if you stumbled upon a planet of intelligent rabbit-looking humanoids that looked like that...who wouldn't try to fuck 'em?

BlueDingo said:
Most people don't feel shame when they're alone. The unusual things you enjoy don't feel shameful until someone else finds out about it and starts judging you for it.

Many people in this thread were expressing shame and never mentioned any outside shame so that's what I was addressing.

Updated by anonymous

Dyrone said:
I mean yeah...considering so many furries are drawn and designed to be sexy. They have all the right curves...if you get nothing from that you probably have an extremely low sex drive or you're just lying cause you're afraid of being weird or whatever.

Or because their attraction is to facilitate their desire to breed, something which very likely wouldn't work here.

Dyrone said:
I mean fucking Lola Bunny wouldn't be like fucking a literal rabbit. She's more like an if you stumbled upon a planet of intelligent rabbit-looking humanoids that looked like that...who wouldn't you try to fuck 'em?

Yeah, it'd be more like fucking a sheet of plastic...

You'd probably want to do a few other things with/to them before that. I doubt people are going to jump straight to fucking them on first contact no matter how attractive they are.

Dyrone said:
Many people in this thread were expressing shame and never mentioned any outside shame so that's what I was addressing.

The fear of others possibly finding out and judging plays a part, too. It's also possible that they simply omitted that part.

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
Or because their attraction is to facilitate their desire to breed, something which very likely wouldn't work here.

Fucking is about fun too. Also sexual attraction is very very stupid...consider the fact that human females have breasts that are engorged all the time...this is an evolutionary trait because our ancestors thought that larger breasts produce more milk...although they don't. So if something even LOOKS fertile and womanly it should be arousing. Our libidos aren't that smart.

BlueDingo said:
You'd probably want to do a few other things with/to them before that. I doubt people are going to jump straight to fucking them on first contact no matter how attractive they are.

Tell that to Captain Kirk.'s a + fantasy. They kind of go hand in hand.

BlueDingo said:
The fear of others possibly finding out and judging plays a part, too. It's also possible that they simply omitted that part.

Well I was trying to put out a positive message like "hey, being a furry isn't a shameful thing"...I don't know why you're so intent on trying to shit on that, other than just being a contrarian.

Updated by anonymous

Ledian said:
jacking off to talking animals is not exactly what i desired from my life

You didn't complain 10 years ago )

Updated by anonymous

welp, Here's my story:

The very first actual furry thing I saw and was aroused on, was in some april fools gmod video. It was DaBoSchitt's youtube channel I was digging when I was 15 years old. It was an intentionally bad and funny garry's mod video, and at some point, someone sprayed a picture of a fox lady wearing that "milk" shirt and folding her breasts, on some wall. You know on what kind of picture I mean. Then they added her googly eyes, because it was really hip to mock furries back then, which is why the picture was being sprayed there in first place. After what I saw, I somehow discovered what furries are and decided to look up for porn, because I was going through puberty then and, you know, was randy 24/7. First websites were tumblr blogs filled with yiff. I still have some pictures from them in my collection, to this day, but I found a better versions for most over here and FA. First folder ever created for my collection was scalie porn, mostly dragons. I remember having to strictly masturbate to every image for minimal 2 or so minutes, because I thought it would be disrespectful to characters if I skip'd some. I was living inside a cage of rules that I made myself. I know, its weird how seriously I took furry porn then. I thought only mature ones are allowed to have access to such beauty such as furry porn.

Some time has passed, and Five Nights at Freddy's 1 was released. This franchise was big change to everything in my life. One day, I was scrolling through my favorite tumblr blogs and I found reposted FNAF porn. I had legit fear towards it. I was in fucking shock. And then everything went crazy when I found about e621 and even more FNAF porn. I felt like I had to accept FNAF into my life, it was like a friendly knock-knock onto my skull. I remember having difficulties even looking at porn. It was frightening and chilling my soul deeply. But I finally managed to get on it. And it was a living nightmare whenever I finished my thing, starred into stuff I just jacked off to, in pure agony and shock, just went to sleep. And then tomorrow I would wake up and say to myself: "Hey, that wasn't so bad! I liked it!" I really needed some time to get used to it...

The summer was here, and I was preparing for trip. I found about a really awesome music promotion youtube channel (not Monster-Cat), and the music I found there, mostly dubstep, automatically tied itself with animatronics from FNAF. Both were going together nicely in my head. This was the time when FNAF 3 came out. That's where biggest twist and twirl in my mind happened... *sigh* I got aroused by Springtrap. I could not understand why. It was beyond scary and confusing. And then suddenly, I came up with my own animatronic character while listening to harmony of... Wubz, and melody of that is progressive house music, while sitting inside a moving car and looking at gorgeous scenery of mountains and forests. This was the point where I began drawing this new character, other furry stuff in general, and here I am.

Being a furry really improved me in all ways. It cured my endless depression and anxiety, it cured me from actual bestiality (I was on road to become a zoophiliac, I'm so glad I got changed) and helped me get rid of vore fetish (It felt wrong having it, but now, I respect it in some ways), introduced me to many great artists, whole foot fetish thing and beauty of bisexuality. And of course, I became a lot more responsible and mature than ever before. I actually feel stronger than ever before, both mentally and physically, both in soul and body. I don't have fursona due to in what I believe in (my own philosophy), but I love to create characters are give them pieces from my own personalities. However, despite all this, it all started by furry porn. Therefore, being a furry still feels like a guilty pleasure for me... Or maybe I shouldn't threat my furry side like this, for all that it gave me?

Ah.. There, feels better get all this out of my chest.

Relate-able thing: I felt very guilty jacking off to hentai and regular porn. I even find regular porn boring. They felt very dirty to me, while furries actually had respect and love towards their characters, and that's what I liked to see.

Updated by anonymous

DaxMarko said:
The very first actual furry thing I saw and was aroused on, was in some april fools gmod video. It was DaBoSchitt's youtube channel I was digging when I was 15 years old. It was an intentionally bad and funny garry's mod video, and at some point, someone sprayed a picture of a fox lady wearing that "milk" shirt and folding her breasts, on some wall.e.

Oh my, the good old days of gmod videos. Still watch those every now and again xD.
I remember that's how I found out about the furry fandom back then haha

Updated by anonymous

D: "Road Rovers got me started.. Felicia from Darkstalkers got me curious. But, Minerva Mink from Animaniacs sealed the deal once I started using the internet.. Man, I miss Doug Winger."

Updated by anonymous

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