Topic: Images don't want to load

Posted under General

Hello there,
my problem is simple. Since last few days, I can't load any images from website.
I tried to use different web browser, but the result is same.
I didn't install any kind of virus applications and I also have one of the best AVs which is Eset.
This only happens on your site for me, but my friend doesn't have this problem, so it's some kind of problem on my side.
Could you help me? Would you know what to do with it? How to fix it?
One last information, I have Windows 10 with the latest update known as Creators Update.
I'm really desperate... xD
Thank you for any help... ^.^

Updated by treos

You haven't accidentally turned images off, have you? Images load just fine for me.

Updated by anonymous

it's a very general problem you're describing, one which could have come from anything.

i'd recommend the standard fixes, being clearing your cache and cookies. you may also consider using the HTTPS version of the site exclusively, which verifies the integrity of the data and makes it so what the site is serving is what you're getting.

you should also post your browser info to diagnose the issue.

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo: Nope, I did not... >.<

fewrahuxo: I tried to clear cache and cookies. But I don't think, that sending any browser info would help. As I already said, this happens with every browser (Chrome, Firefox, IE, Opera, etc.) and to be honest, it only happens on e621. For example rule34 works fine for me. I also tried to disable FW, but I don't think that my AV is blocking it... also my mobile phone doesn't want to load the images. Could my internet provider block it? O.o

Updated by anonymous

This is almost certainly a geographical problem. Many countries and governments have decided to block the image server. I would expect Middle Eastern countries and Russia not to work.

Updated by anonymous

My friend is from the same country and our government doesn't block anything...

Updated by anonymous

Mara1681 said:
My friend is from the same country and our government doesn't block anything...

which country is that?

Updated by anonymous

Don't bother by our country. I found the problem... it's my own router! My own router blocked loading images on e621 website! Wtf?! O.O By the way... our country is Czech Republic.

Updated by anonymous

Mara1681 said:
Don't bother by our country. I found the problem... it's my own router! My own router blocked loading images on e621 website! Wtf?! O.O By the way... our country is Czech Republic.

good thing you czeched your router

Updated by anonymous

Yea, but I need to find the solution. I also need Wi-Fi in my house...

Updated by anonymous

i wonder what would happen if you try using a proxy service to make it look like your IP is coming somewhere else? perhaps it's being blocked by ISP or IP range. but the more rational explanation isn't that your images are being blocked, but that there's some other technical problem.

if you try using another browser like Chromium or Firefox to check the images, what happens? if you try launching your current browser in safe mode, what happens?

Updated by anonymous

Nothing, It's still the same "song". When I connected my computer directly to the switch, then everything work, but my router just doesn't want to load any image which is uploaded to the e621. It doesn't load thumbnail, it doesn't load original, it doesn't load direct link to the original...

Updated by anonymous

If you have access to your router's admin interface try resetting it (but be sure you know how to set it up again before you do that) and see if that fixes it.

Otherwise try and see if you can change the DNS settings away from the standard and over to something like

Updated by anonymous

I tried everything with the router, including factory reset... nothing...
Also changing DNS settings didn't helped...

Updated by anonymous

Mara1681 said:

if you launch a new OS in a virtual machine, does the browser inside the virtual machine load the images properly?

wild suggestion, but it might help.

Updated by anonymous

Other devices connected to this router can't load images too. Is it really necessary?

Updated by anonymous

Mara1681 said:
Other devices connected to this router can't load images too. Is it really necessary?

If you can narrow it down to the router it could be your ISP with some sort of ad blocker, see if you can find anything on that. Besides that you could try a free VPN and see if that helps, if it does it's most likely something your ISP does.

Updated by anonymous

Okay, did you read anything what I write before? When I connect my most used computer directly to the switch (which is device "own" by my ISP and this device split up TV and internet connection), then everything works fine. So my ISP doesn't block anything, maybe they could block loading images on this site directly to my MAC address, but that's little bit awkward. I have registered two MAC address. One for my router and one for my computer in case that something would happen. But I think that, if they would want to block this website, then they would block it completely and for all their clients. I will call them tomorrow and ask, but I still think, that's nonsense. But for now, it looks like, that this router is doing it without any reason.

Updated by anonymous

Ping... all packets lost. Traceroute will say you more...

Tracing route to [] over a maximum of 20 hops

1 3ms 1ms 1ms
2 3ms 2ms 1ms
3 5ms 2ms 7ms
4 2ms 1ms 4ms
5 9ms 8ms 6ms
6 11ms 9ms 10ms
7 25ms 19ms 18ms
8 91ms 91ms 96ms
9 93ms 92ms 91ms
10 97ms 98ms 99ms
11 112ms 112ms 121ms
12 124ms 123ms 125ms
13 139ms 143ms 143ms
14 146ms 146ms 149ms
15 146ms 146ms 150ms
16 155ms 150ms 151ms
17 166ms 173ms 182ms
18 * * * Request timed out.
19 * * * Request timed out.
20 * * * Request timed out.

Trace complete.

These test were made directly from router...

This is from computer -

Updated by anonymous

I find it deeply suspicious that only the exact IP is blocked and nothing else. I strongly suspect that your ISP blocks it.

Updated by anonymous

Well, if he uses the switch in front of the router it works, so it must be the router itself. Try googling around for the make of your router to see and find any sort of filtering options the thing offers. Chances are it's some stupid setting somewhere that's the cause of all this.

Updated by anonymous

Interesting thing is, that Tor browser can load images without problem even with connected router... >.<

Updated by anonymous

Tor uses an encryption that bypasses your router entirely. I would really recommend sitting down and manually going through any and all options inside your router. Something in there is most likely to be the culprit. Be it a filtering or "security" option.

Updated by anonymous

The problem is, that I already go through everything. I also tested router with factory settings without setting up Wi-Fi and other settings...
I'm starting to be suspicious, that my provider blocked IP ( just for my router MAC address. Tor browser could bypass this too, no? O.o

Updated by anonymous

Mara1681 said:
Tracing route to [] over a maximum of 20 hops

17 166ms 173ms 182ms
18 * * * Request timed out.
19 * * * Request timed out.
20 * * * Request timed out.

You know what? I would suggest that you and/or your ISP are being blocked by for whatever reason. Despite the name, ioflood is just a hosting provider, but they still probably have some sort of flood protection.

Anything from (154.54.x.y) on is not your ISP anymore. should have been the last host before in that trace.

The rest of the site likely works because (which serves everything except images) goes through Cloudflare and (which serves the images) doesn't. Or maybe the hosts are just set up differently. Tor hides your source address from both hosts.

Updated by anonymous

You forgot, that when I connect my computer directly to the switch, then everything works as should. And the internet in that switch is still internet from my provider. So if would block my ISP, then why I can load images with my ISP without router?

Updated by anonymous

Mara1681 said:
You forgot, that when I connect my computer directly to the switch, then everything works as should.

Well uh I guess I should have tried reading the thread past the first and the last messages lol.

Can you check if you get different IPs from your ISP for the two MACs you have? Also, do you get the full traceroute to when connecting directly to the switch?

It's not always true but it's still most likely that the blockage is where the trace stops. So maybe the IP that the router gets happens to be banned on the server side.

Updated by anonymous

So this is traceroute from my computer done without the router -
Ban on my IP? I doubt, because I'm using my IP for some online services like Team Speak and other dedicated game servers. So I have static and public IP. That means that, if my IP would be banned, then I couldn't even load any images without the router.

Updated by anonymous

Mara1681 said:
That means that, if my IP would be banned, then I couldn't even load any images without the router.

Only if you get the same externally visible IP with and without the router.

Here your router gets externally visible IP x.x.67.225. The next hop is ISP's host x.x.64.173 but it should just pass your packets leaving x.x.67.225 source address untouched.

Here you get a private 172.x.x.x IP, so external world likely sees your packets coming with x.x.64.173 source address.

That's the difference. Maybe does not like x.x.67.225 but is ok with x.x.64.173. Try loading something like to see how you appear to the external net.

Updated by anonymous

Okay, the problem is certainly in my routers MAC address. I made some tests, like changing my router (I still have old one) and changing/cloning MAC address and when I set MAC address from the new router, then it stopped working, when I set MAC address from my computer, then it worked. So I put back my new router and tried to change MAC address to my computer MAC address and voila... it works! Problem is, that something blocked my router MAC address and I'm not sure if it was provider or the ioflood. But I think that ioflood can't get my routers MAC address, so it should be my ISP... >.<

This is working traceroute over the router -

Updated by anonymous

Mara1681 said:
Okay, the problem is certainly in my routers MAC address. I made some tests, like changing my router (I still have old one) and changing/cloning MAC address and when I set MAC address from the new router, then it stopped working, when I set MAC address from my computer, then it worked. So I put back my new router and tried to change MAC address to my computer MAC address and voila... it works! Problem is, that something blocked my router MAC address and I'm not sure if it was provider or the ioflood. But I think that ioflood can't get my routers MAC address, so it should be my ISP... >.<

This is working traceroute over the router -

Then this is your ISP blocking it based on your account from the looks of it. Perhaps they turned on family filtering or something on the account or business accounts automatically have it applied(you say you're hosting things.)

FYI: The target machine can't see your mac address. Only the next hop can see MAC address. I want to dispel the myth that average internet services can filter by MAC address, because it simply isn't true.

Updated by anonymous

Thank you for explanation and every help which I got here from you guys. I'm going to make a call today. I really don't know why they did it. If they turn on some kind of family filtering, then I will have to prove, that 25 year old guy can see such things which could be seen on this site. xD But really... if they will not do something about it, then I think I'm gonna change my ISP... >.<

Updated by anonymous

Mara1681 said:
Okay, the problem is certainly in my routers MAC address.

ISPs often use MACs to identify clients. Same MAC gets the same configuration.

Check your external IP. That's something that is often bound to client's MAC, and it gets past the first hop and past the ISP. The traces look like there's a public IP assigned to the new router's MAC but not to the other MACs you use.

Updated by anonymous

hslugs said:

in my experience changing the MAC address of a computer leads to unexpected behaviour with networking. i suggest OP find another solution before doing that.

Updated by anonymous

I did not change the MAC address of my computer, I just "changed" MAC address of my router. As I already said, I have two registered MAC address in my agreement with ISP. So I temporarily lend my second registered MAC address (address of my computer) to my router. It's fully legal and doesn't have any consequences. But for your reassurance, I'm going to call my provider today and unblock (I hope) router address, so I could sleep soothingly(?). xD ^.^

Updated by anonymous

o_O now i'm having this problem... maybe i need to reboot firefox...

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
o_O now i'm having this problem... maybe i need to reboot firefox...

There was a database issue, should be fixed now.

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
There was a database issue, should be fixed now.

yeah, i figured something was up when i refreshed the page and saw the site was undergoing maintenance.

Updated by anonymous

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