Topic: How do I get a neutral record pardoned and what does it do exactly?

Posted under General

I recently posted old art *porn lol* that I had stored years ago on a flash drive and wanted to share it with the site. Thought I was doing something nice but I guess one of the pieces was dnp, I did not know this as the og art had no watermark. I was told I now have a neutral record, does that impact my account at all? Can I get it repealed if I apologize? I dont exactly know what this is, help would be appreciated.

Updated by ImpidiDinkaDoo

As Wolfgang said, it's not really a big deal, so don't worry, just try to be more careful in the future. :)

but it doesn't hurt you or anything, and you shouldn't let it keep you from posting more <3 (just... try to avoid DNP artists. :) )

Updated by anonymous

As everyone's stated, they pass after 6 months, so don't worry. I've had a couple neutrals (even one negative) way waaaaay back but they've now since been dissolved.

It won't affect your viewing of the site, they're just a reminder of a mistake or infraction you've performed.

Updated by anonymous

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