Topic: [Question] Was a siterip ever made of YChan before it went down?

Posted under General

I used to be a big lurker on the site, and when the website went down, I was really disappointed. They had been asking for donations EVERYWHERE, but I'm guessing people had started to ignore them or adblock them.

So, I was wondering if anyone had ripped the site for people to continue accessing from their own computers. Like a self-hosted Ychan, if you will...

Even if it's just a photo-rip, I'll be super grateful.

Updated by mokadoggo

Yeah, that would be great.. but prob not a high chance.

Updated by anonymous

I've honestly never even heard of it. Sounds like a shame.

Updated by anonymous

Faux-Pa said:
I used to be a big lurker on the site, and when the website went down, I was really disappointed. They had been asking for donations EVERYWHERE, but I'm guessing people had started to ignore them or adblock them.

So, I was wondering if anyone had ripped the site for people to continue accessing from their own computers. Like a self-hosted Ychan, if you will...

Even if it's just a photo-rip, I'll be super grateful.

So, to start off, I opened my old-ass ipad 2 to see if it still works or not and it did. It had ychan page in safari from 3 years ago. And i was surprised because.

Apparently ychan is back online (with .net domain) but nobody seems to know???
Here, take this link

Updated by anonymous

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