Topic: Are complete doujins uploaded by artist for free viewing OK to post?

Posted under General

I have read the Avoid Posting and Upload Guidelines in full.
This artist is safe to post.
I want to upload a complete doujinshi they hosted on pixiv on August 26th. It’s entirely anthro Pokémon.

They also sold some physical copies at a con apparently, but that was after all of it was hosted online for free.

I don’t want to risk having so many posts deleted — there are about 30 in total. So I am asking if it is ok to upload them starting on October 26th.

If this is the wrong place to ask the question, please direct me to the right place.

Thank you for any help you can give.

Updated by SnowWolf

If the doujinshi is freely available in its entirety on pixiv, it should be safe to post.

Some artists do make physical copies of artworks for selling after they have posted it online to allow people to support them (and have a hard copy of their favourite arts), so it shouldn't really matter.

However, if there are pages exclusive to the sold copies, they should be avoided from posting.

If you want to further safeguard it from being deleted, ask the artist whether or not they allow the repost of their works here.

Updated by anonymous

Just make sure you ask for permission from the artist. Just because something is available somewehre else for free from the artist doesn't mean they want it available just any old place, and an artist may submit a takedown request if you post their works.

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
Just make sure you ask for permission from the artist. Just because something is available somewehre else for free from the artist doesn't mean they want it available just any old place, and an artist may submit a takedown request if you post their works. their shit here and don't ask them. If they're going to be anal about their FREELY POSTED work being shared around they should have put up some warning or disclaimer on their site or even on the actual images. It's not hard, and if they want to be that way they need to learn to do it. To me asking every user who posts a certain artist's work to ask them about it is ass-backwards. Easier for everyone if they let it be known...that saves about 100 stupid discussions from occurring.

Updated by anonymous

Dyrone said: their shit here and don't ask them. If they're going to be anal about their FREELY POSTED work being shared around they should have put up some warning or disclaimer on their site or even on the actual images. It's not hard, and if they want to be that way they need to learn to do it. To me asking every user who posts a certain artist's work to ask them about it is ass-backwards. Easier for everyone if they let it be known...that saves about 100 stupid discussions from occurring.

Uploading shit that people might not want uploaded without making sure it's cool is a pretty good way of lowering your upload limit.

Updated by anonymous

darryus said:
Uploading shit that people might not want uploaded without making sure it's cool is a pretty good way of lowering your upload limit.

That's OK...if someone did a takedown because of something I uploaded then good. I don't think artists who operate in that sort of thuggish manner deserve exposure. I don't think their art should even be looked at. If you're not going to put a disclaimer, and then go around punishing people who are merely fans of your work and wish to share it with others then that's on you.

Updated by anonymous

Dyrone said:
That's OK...if someone did a takedown because of something I uploaded then good. I don't think artists who operate in that sort of thuggish manner deserve exposure. I don't think their art should even be looked at. If you're not going to put a disclaimer, and then go around punishing people who are merely fans of your work and wish to share it with others then that's on you.


Not asking artists is a really good way to convince them to ask for DNP status here; attitudes like yours are another reason. Artists always have full control of their art in the eyes of copyright/e6 and it will do you good to come to peace with that. If you want to make a change then support artists that do allow posting of their works freely to places like e621 and hopefully set a good example, but never attack those who do not want their art distributed outside of their control.

Updated by anonymous

rysyN said:
Not asking artists is a really good way to convince them to ask for DNP status here

As I said I'm fine with that...they are only hurting themselves. Not that you have to worry about me I've only posted like 10 images, didn't ask a single artist, and not one of them has requested DNP because of it.

rysyN said:
Artists always have full control of their art in the eyes of copyright/e6 and it will do you good to come to peace with that.

I already have "come to peace with that". I never said anything to the contrary. Did I say that e621 should ignore takedown requests? Nope.

rysyN said:
but never attack those who do not want their art distributed outside of their control.

I can see you're a fan of building straw men...again...didn't say this...unless you believe posting an artist's work without express consent meanwhile respecting any and all possible warnings would constitute as an "attack"...seems plenty respectful to me.

Updated by anonymous

Gonna jump in and agree with Dyrone about this, the notion that "I dictate what happens to MY art becaus it's MINE" from artists in certain contexts is all well and good (Namely when it comes to people claiming something to be theirs when it absolutely isn't), there's a reason the phrases "If it's on the internet, you can't delete it" and "If you don't want people to see / have it, don't post it" or variations of those phrases exist. By nature of how the internet works, if you view any image online, it exists on your machine for as long as it's kept up on that web page and is trivial to save a local copy of.
If more artists were cagey about art distribution (and more people actually cared about said cageyness), many genuinely good edits I've seen, colored versions and hard translations into other languages as examples, wouldn't of happened because the "MY art" mentality would completely get in the way of that.
Personally I think e621 should be used as an archive of works, regardless of how the originator of those works feels about it, but I understand why DNP is a thing here, even if it's detrimental to that purpose.

Updated by anonymous

This thread seems to have devolved into arguments outside of the question of initial post.

If content is freely available by first party (artist, commissioner, character owner, publisher, etc.) and artist isn't DNP, it's fine to be posted here.

There being paid variation of upload doesn't render uploads to be paid material, othervice we would be deleting some artists all works because they keep PSD files patreon exclusive.

As for sidetracking

Remember that sites like pixiv keep explicit artwork behind login requirement and copyright laws and general customs are differend there so if one western artist might agree with idea that once online, always online, japanese artists might want full control over their content and might have problems with english speaking audience and sites. You shouldn't assume what someone else than you want or instruct how they should handle their monetization.

Updated by anonymous

I am just going to say that the uploading guildlines very specifically say

Good things to upload:
Art you have created or commissioned
Art the original artist has given you permission to post here

I don't know how to say it more clearly that we really want you to ask artists for permission to post their art.

the 'FUCK YOU I DO WHAT I WANT" attitude is not approved or appreciated. Uploading art to the internet does not give you permission to upload it everywhere. Wearing a short skirt does not give you permission to grab my ass.


Some people have very good reasons for not wanting their art posted next to the scat and gore that comes through here on a day to day basis and that is TOTALLY FINE. This is the sort of thing that can damage someone's lively hood, being associated, even accidentally, with a website like this.


Updated by anonymous

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