Topic: Takedown others comments on my post?

Posted under General

I posted some art yseterday, and so far all it's gotten is downgrading comments. I really don't want this on these photos. (It isn't my art btw, but a friends) Is there anyway to get site moderators to wipe comments? They aren't really bad enough to be reported, but I'd still like them removed. It really doesn't make me feel good to see that on art from a friend. I'll send links to the post if necessary

Updated by user 272767

CamaroLoverz said:
I posted some art yseterday, and so far all it's gotten is downgrading comments. I really don't want this on these photos. (It isn't my art btw, but a friends) Is there anyway to get site moderators to wipe comments? They aren't really bad enough to be reported, but I'd still like them removed. It really doesn't make me feel good to see that on art from a friend. I'll send links to the post if necessary

You're asking moderators to remove comments that aren't in breach of rules, simply so you can simply have your own safe space. This isn't how the site works.

Updated by anonymous

FA or InkBunny are the place to go if you want hugs and not critique..

Updated by anonymous

CCoyote said:
Alternatively, you could ask the artist to request their name be added to the DNP list and the images removed from the site.

That's like grabbing a nearby rocket launcher to deal with a spider in your room... completely destructive to everything nearby (and including yourself) just to get rid of a minor problem.

No, I suggest using a blacklist for particularly problematic users. Just use user:*user_name* on one line (removing asterisks), and tick on the box underneath your blacklist that also applies it to comments and whatnot. If you are worried about missing their uploads, just add "-rating:s -rating:q -rating:e" on the same line as the blacklisted user, excluding quotation marks.

Updated by anonymous

CCoyote said:
Okay, but that doesn't solve his problem. It just covers it up. I'm offering him a way to actually fix it if it really bothers him that much. He's not required to leave the work he posted here, I don't think.

Posting on this site is permanent. Unless the image gets deleted for any number of reasons, it stays no matter any other person's opinion. And if it gets deleted, it's deleted for good, and future posts with that image will be deleted as well. This is before the artist/CO takedown request, so what you are suggesting is like nuking a spider.

It is outright suggested and reinforced that if you do not like something, you should blacklist it. If the creator of the post does not like the comments on it, it would be better to blacklist the users than to prevent the image from ever being hosted on this site again. Removing the post because of the comments is destructive beyond any reason.

Updated by anonymous

CCoyote said:
Please go back, read the conversation, read what CamaroLoverz requested, and read my recommendation to accomplish that. If you're still not satisfied, I'm very sorry.

If it wasn't read it would not have been referred to. Read the whole thread, then repeat until you figure out we aren't a hugbox.

Updated by anonymous

CCoyote said:
It clearly wasn't comprehended, and believe me, this site is the last place I would go for a hug.

CamaroLoverz doesn't want the images he posted to have negative posts. That isn't possible under the site's rules, and he'll have to accept that. Therefore, the only other possibility for him to get what he would like (remove the rude comments) is to have the posts themselves removed. I'm telling him how to do that if that's really what he wants.

I'm sorry if you and Siral Exan or others disagree with that solution, but like you said, this isn't a hugbox.

your solution is to try and manipulate someone else into removing it to circumvent the rule that it stays up, rather than let the artist decide on their own. you are suggesting that someone else be tricked into creating the hugbox for them. unless this not being a hugbox is itself what you want to change, what would that solve?

Updated by anonymous

i'm not going to say CCoyote is right but he is offering a solution. remember this site is hosting free contents at the artist's discretion. we post it here and if some up loader want to tell the artist about bad comments. the artist could either act on it or just ignore it. they don't owes us anything

now with that said it kinda stupid people are looking for huggs on a porn site when we don't where there hands been.

p.s CamaroLoverz , if it really bother you. stick to furaffinity. there big brother is alway watching

Updated by anonymous

supermarcopolo said:
i'm not going to say CCoyote is right but he is offering a solution. remember this site is hosting free contents at the artist's discretion. we post it here and if some up loader want to tell the artist about bad comments. the artist could either act on it or just ignore it. they don't owes us anything

now with that said it kinda stupid people are looking for huggs on a porn site when we don't where there hands been.

p.s CamaroLoverz , if it really bother you. stick to furaffinity. there big brother is alway watching

Except the suggestion wasn't notifying of the comments. It was specifically asking them to add themself to the DNP . As in, deciding for the artist that that is wha they should do. If it were the artist's decision, then just mention the comment and let them decide, not specifically ask to have them added to the DNP list. Otherwise, it's not at the artist's discretion. The asker is implying it's at their discretion instead. It could have been asking if they want to, but it was specifically stated as asking the artist to do it. Not whether they want to.

CCoyote said:
you will see that I said he should ask the artist[/b] to add their name to the DNP list. That is not manipulation or trickery.

Because it's only exact words that count. Bull.

CCoyote said:]
If you don't understand that by now, it's because you don't want to.

Because I choose what I do and do not understand. Bull again. Really bad choice saying the autistic guy chose not to understand.

Updated by anonymous

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