Topic: Base form tagging question

Posted under General

Hello again, figured I'd make a forum post about this before re-tagging a bunch of posts lest I tick anyone off.

So at least a couple of peeps have been tagging posts with Asriel where he's in his super-edgy god form exclusively as "asriel_dreemurr_(god_form)" because alternate forms don't imply the base form. Now I'm fine with that in theory, but the thing is:

Number of posts tagged exclusively with "asriel_dreemurr_(god_form)": 287)
Number of posts tagged with both "asriel_dreemurr" and "asriel_dreemurr_(god_form)": several thousand)

Seems like it'd be much easier to just say that Asriel's edgy god form is still Asriel then re-tag several thousand images. And this really has to be applied consistently either way, because it's silly that a couple hundred posts of Asriel can only be found by using "asriel_dreemurr_(god_form)" when you can find ten times as many posts using either tag.

Updated by Siral Exan

asriel_dreemurr asriel_dreemurr_(god_form) solo
asriel_dreemurr -asriel_dreemurr_(god_form)
asriel_dreemurr_(god_form) -asriel_dreemurr

Related searches, I'm gonna see what I can gather from this real quick but a question: are you considering the amount of posts where both are seen? That should be tagged as both, hence why I included solo in my first search results.

It looks like there is at maximum 495 posts with both tagged on a solo image, from the first result. I can already see a couple mistagged in the second result, merely replacing base with god form suffices. The last one appears as intended.

asriel_dreemurr asriel_dreemurr_(god_form) duo -chartags:>2

This result doesn't put beyond 99

asriel_dreemurr asriel_dreemurr_(god_form) group -chartags:>2

Lastly, this is not even 9. A rough medium of 550 images needs to be retagged, before other characters and mistags muddy the results.

Updated by anonymous

Siral_Exan said:
Related searches, I'm gonna see what I can gather from this real quick but a question: are you considering the amount of posts where both are seen? That should be tagged as both, hence why I included solo in my first search results.

That's a good point, I forgot about that. My apologies.

Do you think it would be wise to start re-tagging stuff? I just don't want anyone to think I'm being a vandal when I start removing a tag from like 400 posts within a short time, haha.

Updated by anonymous

MarbleHammer said:
That's a good point, I forgot about that. My apologies.

Do you think it would be wise to start re-tagging stuff? I just don't want anyone to think I'm being a vandal when I start removing a tag from like 400 posts within a short time, haha.

I say this should be done manually.

Updated by anonymous

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