Topic: ¡Ayuda!

Posted under General

Puedo ver que aún tienes 8 subidas disponibles.

Por si no lo sabías

Las subidas disponibles se calculan así: Comienzas con 10. For cada 10 subidas que aprovemos, se te agregará una a tu favor, pero también se te descontará una por cada 4 que no pasen los Estándares Mínimos de Calidad. Al mismo tiempo, por cada subida que no haya sido ni aprobada ni eliminada (en cola), se descontará directamente de tu límite disponible.

En tu caso, tus 10 subidas no fueron aprobadas, por lo que tu límite se redujo por 2, dejándote 8 disponibles.


I can see you still have 8 uploads remaining.

In case you didn't know

Upload limits are calculated like this: You start with 10. For each 10 posts we approve, you'll be granted another one but you'll also lose one for each 4 that don't make it up to Minimum Quality Standards. At the same time, each post we haven't approved or deleted (queued), directly affects your remaining upload limit.

In your case, none of your uploads were approved so your limit just got reduced by two, leaving you with 8.

Updated by anonymous

CCoyote said:
Clickbait en español.

No lo veo tan clickbait, simplemente él/ella necesitaba orientación y no sabía del límite de archivos publicados, yo tampoco sabía pensando que sólo podría subir 10 en mi vida en este sitio hasta que leí con más detalle el sistema de publicación de archivos leyendo que no era así como pensaba.

Updated by anonymous

Usuario2 said:
No lo veo tan clickbait, simplemente él/ella necesitaba orientación y no sabía del límite de archivos publicados, yo tampoco sabía pensando que sólo podría subir 10 en mi vida en este sitio hasta que leí con más detalle el sistema de publicación de archivos leyendo que no era así como pensaba.

Tuve que hacer un click para aprender el propósito del mensaje. Es la definición de "clickbait." Sería mejor poner algo como, "Ayuda - límite de imágenes alcanzado."

Si Ud. u otra persona necesita información sobre el sitio y como hacer un post, los adminstradores han proveído muchas páginas con ella.

Updated by anonymous

Please -- if your'e going to scold someone for a "clickbait" title, please explain why their title could be improved. Everyone who is a regular understands this. But when new people come in, it just confuses them.

Clickbait is usually associated with headlines like "Doctors hate them! use THESE three tricks to avoid CANCER" or "You won't BELIEVE what she found in her ATTIC" or "You probably have THESE items worth a FORTUNE sitting in your closet!" or "She thought it was a harmless mole..."

So when new users get called out for things like "help please" or "I have a question" they get really confused what the problem is.

So, it would be very helpful if people could please say something more constructive than "clickbait!"

Updated by anonymous

SnowWolf said:
Please -- if your'e going to scold someone for a "clickbait" title, please explain why their title could be improved.


So, it would be very helpful if people could please say something more constructive than "clickbait!"

I did. I explained in the language of the original post that it would be better to put something like, "Help - Image Limit Reached."

Updated by anonymous

CCoyote said:
I did. I explained in the language of the original post that it would be better to put something like, "Help - Image Limit Reached."

Actually your first reply was "Clickbait en español." which, while in the correct language, doesn't explain what you say. <3 Another user--not the original poster--stepped forward and said that it didn't seem like clickbait to them, prompting your kind explanation about a day later.

I'm not trying to target you so much as correct this behavior in general. Sorry for unintentionally calling attention directly to you.

Updated by anonymous

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