Topic: Old artist name falling out of use

Posted under General

My first art account was Sen-en on FA, but nowadays I go by SenGrisane.
Most stuff on here from me has Sen-en as artist tag, but a new image uploaded has SenGrisane.
And since I recently was suspended for some years old art on FA (which was my last warning), my Sen-en account might not exist for much longer. So I thought it would be sensible to switch the artist tag from Sen-en to SenGrisane.

Would that be ok if I changed the artist tags of all my images?

And is there an easy way to do it or do I have to edit every picture here manually?

Thank you.


regular users cannot mass tag, but if you have more than like 25 posts in the tag, i would recommend submitting an alias request. alias would automatically replace the tags and searching for the old tag would bring the new tag’s posts as result

Updated by anonymous

Yes there are more than 25 tags. I will try to submit an alias request.

Thank you

Updated by anonymous

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