Topic: Telegram e621 bot

Posted under General

I wanted to try Telegram's new bot API, and thought "hey, let's do something like IRC's !randomporn!"

And this is the result:

So what can this bot do?

This bot does exactly what @TonyTheLemur's bot does on IRC: it queries e621 database for a certain tag set, and replies back with a random picture.

How do I use it?

If you're going to use it alone and you have Telegram installed in your current device, just click on this link:

If you're going to use it on a group for extra lulz, select the group on the application, click on group's title to see group management screen, then click on "Add member" and write "e621bot". Click then on invite and you're done.

Once you've added it, just type "/furry [tags]" (SFW) or "/yiff [tags]" (NSFW), press enter, and it'll reply back with a random picture.

What's the purpose?

While you can use it on your own by privately asking it for pictures, the idea behind this was it being used on chat groups, therefore sharing the lulz of being absolutely clueless on what are you going to see.

What are the limitations?

It queries the DB without being logged in, so standard non-registered users limits on tag count applies.

Otherwise there are no limitations, it's able to use every tag and metatag ("favcount:", "fav:", "score:", etc...)

It isn't working!

Bot's running on a very cheap VPS (3€/year, go figure) and programmed in a language I am not used to (Python), so it's possible that the host has went down or that I've made a coding error. Feel free to report it here.

Updated by Xasin

The robot is prefect!!! :D

I added it to my classmates group, it's a total comedy XD

Updated by anonymous

alirezatm said:
It doesn't get invited by the username. Please give the number of bot.

You should be able to add it by "@e621bot" or by clicking on the link. It's a bot, AFAIK it has no associated number.

Updated by anonymous

Lizardite said:
You should be able to add it by "@e621bot" or by clicking on the link. It's a bot, AFAIK it has no associated number.

No, I actually didn't found the option. Now I added it :D

Updated by anonymous

aurel said:
1 month ago "oh noes! people realized I'm a major furfag! whatever shall I do?"
today "well, now that everyone knows.. may just well *spread ze corruption* :> The world shall fall into furluminati paws!!!"

Keep your fetishes private damnit! :<

Yeah, I'm an awful person in keeping my secrets XD

Updated by anonymous

Very nice, thank you for sharing the source code! I wrote a terrible hacked together bot in PHP without looking at the e621 api just a couple of weeks ago, but it's much nicer now.

Updated by anonymous

Is this still active?

I was wondering whether or not this could be expanded to support an "inline bot" search, similar to how @gif in Telegram works.
Could be a fun addition to chats <3

Updated by anonymous

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