Topic: Classical conditioning gallery

Posted under General

This is a off the wall question. But I kind of meaning to ask about this.

The purpose of this set is suppose to function in a similar manner to a pool, however instead of consisting of post that are apart of plot it host images that you attracted to, then go to a negative/ugly one to associate it with less allure

The point is to unlearn a few fetish you may have pick up over your time on e621 that you may not be proud of. Say for example you guilt is attraction to shota and loli

The bait would be this
post #1552486

Then you be redirect to this
post #1195403

So I was wondering if anyone would help me create this Trainwreck and what they wish to implement

PL leave honest feedback, I like good critical from time to time


You can unlearn fetishes?
I wonder if this works with homosexuality.
But that's not a fetish!
Then what is a fetish?

How would you implement this?
For any post, look for other posts with the same tags and a really low score?

Updated by anonymous

The execution there would be... flawed. To start, this isn't classical conditioning. It's closer to operant conditioning. This wouldn't work to change the involuntary response to the material as much as work to discourage the choice of clicking on thumbnails. Even then, if it's voluntary it's less likely to work since they can just... choose to not browse that way.

Applying this kind of conditioning on its own is unlikely to change the underlying cause of the fetish in the first place and is likely to have weird side effects because it only punishes the end action. I would expect someone subjected to this to be suspicious of thumbnails and links with possible additional guilt/fear and/or developing a taste for the 'ugly' fetish.

A classical conditioning approach to kink management would be difficult. It first makes the assumption that fetish material is a conditioned stimulus that has been attached to an unconditioned stimulus (what caused sexual arousal before conditioning took place) and depending on the kink it can hard to figure out what exactly that might be. You'd then need to be able to separate the two stimuli and present the conditioned stimulus in a neutral context with no payoff until it no longer produces sexual arousal.

This might work in a context where the fetish was developed by incidental exposure in vanilla porn (frequently seeing baby talk in porn->finding baby talk arousing) but gets messy fast. There are a number of fetish elements that may not be easy to separate out to present in a neutral context (rough sex for instance) and those with no obvious 'unconditioned' base stimulus. It might be possible through trial-and-error and incrementally desensitizing to individual elements, but that'd be time consuming. Unless it's seriously negatively affecting the person and/or they have a disorder that makes impulse control difficult/impossible it's not going to be worth it for most people.

Updated by anonymous

What happens if your arousal overpowers your disgust and you end up conditioning yourself to get turned on by the "negative reinforcement"?

Battle-harden your kinks in PAVLOV'S KINK THUNDERDOME.

Updated by anonymous

It's basically proven that most everything works better with positive reenforcement rather than negative.

Updated by anonymous

SnowWolf said:
It's basically proven that most everything works better with positive reenforcement rather than negative.

Yes and no. The big issue with positive punishment isn't that it's ineffective (there's a reason most behaviour 'quick fixes' for dogs and kids involve pain- it produces results fast), it's that it also produces negative side effects, over-generalization being a big one. The over-generalization makes sense when you think about why we experience pain and fear- danger avoidance. A wild animal is more likely to survive if it learns to avoid all things that vaguely look like the thing that threw a rock at it once. Applied to more human/domestic scenarios, you get problems. A dog that gets painful punishment when it reacts to people it sees might learn people being near cause pain and the resulting fear can be dangerous for everyone involved.

It also doesn't address the underlying cause. If the dog in the previous example was initially reacting to people out of fear the punishment didn't change that, making it worse, if anything. Sometimes you can end up in a situation of 'shut down' which some people find desirable in pets and kids, but it's not fun to experience. If you've ever been in a situation where no matter what you do you get punished equally harshly so you just stop trying and stop resisting you have an idea of what this feels like.

Updated by anonymous

regsmutt said:
Yes and no. The big issue with positive punishment isn't that it's ineffective (there's a reason most behaviour 'quick fixes' for dogs and kids involve pain- it produces results fast), it's that it also produces negative side effects, over-generalization being a big one. The over-generalization makes sense when you think about why we experience pain and fear- danger avoidance. A wild animal is more likely to survive if it learns to avoid all things that vaguely look like the thing that threw a rock at it once. Applied to more human/domestic scenarios, you get problems. A dog that gets painful punishment when it reacts to people it sees might learn people being near cause pain and the resulting fear can be dangerous for everyone involved.

It also doesn't address the underlying cause. If the dog in the previous example was initially reacting to people out of fear the punishment didn't change that, making it worse, if anything. Sometimes you can end up in a situation of 'shut down' which some people find desirable in pets and kids, but it's not fun to experience. If you've ever been in a situation where no matter what you do you get punished equally harshly so you just stop trying and stop resisting you have an idea of what this feels like.

I.. I feel like I should offer you a hug?

But yes, I did over generalize in my statement, but basically yes this a whole lot.

If you (non regs-you) have ever seen a dog that whimpers around a man, or a raised hand, or people-in-hats, there's all likely hood that all they learned was "that type of person is painful. I got a doggo once that we realized later had been abused by her male owner. Friendly Dobie girl, flipped out the first time my dad raised his voice. Thankfully, dad was more of the "very disappointed in you" type rather than the "yell" type.

ANYWAY, I don't know how you positively reenforce fapping habits, but I"m pretty sure this is a bad idea. ;)

I'd recomend blacklisting instead~

Updated by anonymous

well the poll are in and I guess it a bad idea then

Munkelzahn said:

You can unlearn fetishes?
I wonder if this works with homosexuality.
But that's not a fetish!
Then what is a fetish?

How would you implement this?
For any post, look for other posts with the same tags and a really low score?

nope, just mix your wierd fetish with maggots or some other negative stimulia if you want don't want in your secret black book.
nope, how it may have it would have been just a jumbo of set specailising in a fetish that are the most controversal/popular
then just match a good pic of it to a very nasty one.
of course that really up to the user to decide if they really are that determined but hey it al least something

Maxpizzle said:
What happens if your arousal overpowers your disgust and you end up conditioning yourself to get turned on by the "negative reinforcement"?

Battle-harden your kinks in PAVLOV'S KINK THUNDERDOME.

the nukes only made them stronger!

on a serious note though conerning if It could work, so far it has been effective in my experience. but as Rugmutt has point out, how to implement this is far from practical so this would probably be a bust

im also want to leave what inspire me to create this forum

Updated by anonymous

Yeah, all this MISGUIDED effort will do is lure users into further degeneracy!

Think of how we all got here in the first place. e621 is usually not babby's first porn site. But it may be the last.

Updated by anonymous

Lance_Armstrong said:
Yeah, all this MISGUIDED effort will do is lure users into further degeneracy!

Think of how we all got here in the first place. e621 is usually not babby's first porn site. But it may be the last.

how is this misguided exactly? I just simply state it wasn't practical, not ineffective.

edit:wait... is this website what I think it is?

Updated by anonymous

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