Topic: How to search within timeframe? Ie: Last month, or Last 24h

Posted under General

I love the order:score query, very helpful! Are there any similar codes to search within a timeframe, or other helpful criteria?

I apologize if this info is already in the wiki or site details, I was unable to find it.

My ideal code would allow me to come to e621, search for the top dongs of the day (ordered by score), and then be on my merry way.


Animal_Dicks said:
I love the order:score query, very helpful! Are there any similar codes to search within a timeframe, or other helpful criteria?

I apologize if this info is already in the wiki or site details, I was unable to find it.

My ideal code would allow me to come to e621, search for the top dongs of the day (ordered by score), and then be on my merry way.

cheatsheet#dates and cheatsheet#sorting.

e.g. penis date:day order:score

Updated by anonymous

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