PLEASE NO DELETERINO...this is not just another topic asking what happened, this is a CALL TO ACTION. I am well aware of the other thread, but I thought this is so important it deserves its own thread. case you didn't know for a long time there was a URL hack that allowed us to grab the highest-quality images from Tumblr. We called these "raw" images specifically because the URL hack involved changing the "1280" number at the end of an image's URL to "raw".
Well now that access has been suddenly and unceremoniously can test it yourself by going to this link:
Access denied...this means every image from Tumblr will be capped at 1280x1920 and compressed...meaning the images you see on this site will probably have a significant drop in quality.
I encourage everyone to make tickets to Tumblr support asking them to bring back RAW images:
Also like/reblog this post:
Thanks, and hopefully we can bring back RAW images if they see enough people care!
Updated by malleablecrowbar