Topic: Does the "x_anus" tag really need to be considered an inherently explicit tag?

Posted under General

A lot of the content under this tag isn't inherently explicit. Most of them are just "cutesy" and don't really have any explicit content in them besides the anus. I am aware that anuses are explicit but an "x" doesn't really seem like something that should be given an explicit rating for as it isn't very detailed enough to justify said rating. I'm not saying anything should be done about it however, these are just my two cents.

Updated by SnowWolf

Legally, having something explicit in a country where they prosecute it accidentally being not rated explicit can get you in a lot of hot water, whereas the occasional safe post being tagged as explicit isn't going to be nearly as harmful

Updated by anonymous

Yeah, it is a bit odd when a completely safe image gets an explicit rating because of one single X placed in a specific location but those are the rules.

post #1077711

Updated by anonymous

the thing is that its extremely difficult to put the line on what kind of x anus is explicit and what is safe. its easier and less prone to subjectiveness related issues to just rule that all assholes are explicit regardless of how detailed it is.

Updated by anonymous

Obviously a anus is explicit, but how is the Letter X a anus, what makes you think a X is an anus and not just a marking? One of the examples in a previous thread on this subject literally shows these as markings being painted on.

Updated by anonymous

Darou said:
Obviously a anus is explicit, but how is the Letter X a anus, what makes you think a X is an anus and not just a marking? One of the examples in a previous thread on this subject literally shows these as markings being painted on.

We could have an image of someone painting on a fully detailed anus onto someone's fur too, but that doesn't stop us from being able to understand the meaning behind the lines in a typical image. Heck, you could argue the point for just about any trait - how do we know this character has green eyes? Maybe they have no eyes but they just have eye-like markings on their face?

This line of argumentation isn't going to go anywhere. We interpret parts of an image as best we can, and it's inarguable that in basically every image with an x-anus, it's very clearly supposed to be an anus, and any claim to the contrary requires the user to speculate beyond what the picture clearly shows.

Updated by anonymous

The answer is because while we can EASILY say that THIS one is white and THIS one is black, there's a whole lot of shades of gray in there. It is easier for EVERYONE to say that X_anus (and sheath and balls) is rating:e rather than place people in the position of trying to argue if these are safe or Explicit:

post #935311 post #630624

Then we're talking about intent and morality.

it's just.. easier.. to say that all of it explicit.

Updated by anonymous

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