Topic: Can I please have my post limit removed or vastly increased?

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BlueDingo said:
No. You wait like everyone else.

k. How does limiting it help the site though? I don't understand the logic

Updated by anonymous

Dutchnoob said:
k. How does limiting it help the site though? I don't understand the logic

So you aren't overwhelming the janitors/admin team, who approve things manually.

Updated by anonymous

You're asking the general community something that should clearly be directed at one of the admins. I don't post here, but the way I understand it is that you need to be given a Privileged account for contributing enough to the website. You've only made 70 or so posts so far and have recent records. You might not be trusted enough to be given removed limitations yet. Also, if they handed out these freely, then it would become too much for posts that need approving.

Updated by anonymous

TwistedLogik said:
You're asking the general community something that should clearly be directed at one of the admins. I don't post here, but the way I understand it is that you need to be given a Privileged account for contributing enough to the website. You've only made 70 or so posts so far and have recent records. You might not be trusted enough to be given removed limitations yet. Also, if they handed out these freely, then it would become too much for posts that need approving.

Privileged only get their non-posting limits removed. Contributor+ ranks have their posting limit removed.

Updated by anonymous

You certainly do have a track record of posting low quality stuff, DNP, “unauthorised” edits and even a screencap and an upscale (really?!). You’ve also got a negative and two neutral records soooo I don’t really think you’ve proven yourself yet.

Keep posting good, high quality images and your upload limit will go up. Do not post DNP (and make an effort to actually see if the artist is DNP!) or other things that will get deleted or else your upload limit will go down.

Updated by anonymous

Generally, if you deserve special privileges somebody will nominate you for a positive record. Even BlueDingo here is an example of that.

Updated by anonymous

BlackLicorice said:
You certainly do have a track record of posting low quality stuff, DNP, “unauthorised” edits and even a screencap and an upscale (really?!). You’ve also got a negative and two neutral records soooo I don’t really think you’ve proven yourself yet.

Keep posting good, high quality images and your upload limit will go up. Do not post DNP (and make an effort to actually see if the artist is DNP!) or other things that will get deleted or else your upload limit will go down.

They might want to talk to Notme about their records, since some of them might have decayed and would be removed.

Updated by anonymous

We just had the hourly uploading time limit implemented for everyone including staff. Encourage taking bit more time with the uploads, to avoid problems where user hits flag/tag/note limits while still having thousands of uploads, spamming of hundreds posts which might annoy users just browsing, etc.

Your upload limit is already 15, this is already 5 above new users and the moment your upload gets approved you can upload again, so I fail to see why this would need to be higher?

Siral_Exan said:
Contributor+ ranks have their posting limit removed.

If we get all technical and stuff, even admins still have uploading limits, but instead posts are autoapproved so that limit in practise will never lower or reach 0.

If cont+ upload gets flagged and flag handler doesn't approve the post, then it gets back to queue and lowers the upload counter for the cont+ user. This is why I have couple uploads which also state that I'm the approved because the posts were flagged.

Updated by anonymous

You have a post limit of 15.

A few weeks ago, I roughly figured that the vast majority of images are approved within 3 days.

So, let's say you post your cap of 15 every 3 days.

You have posted 110 images. 110 / 15 = 7.3

This means you've posted your cap 7 and one third times. At 3 days per approval batch, that would be 21 days of posts.

You've been here for nearly 3 years.

Obviously, people don't post like robots, and my math's fuzzy for a variety of reasons but.

You don't really have a post cap problem.

Just come back along every day or two and post more pictures, rather than trying to post 50 pictures all at once. It's a good way to burn out. If you've got the time, then pretag your pictures. Write it out in notepad or whatever.

But, even as I type this, you have no pending approvals.

Relax. take it easy. everyone builds up their numbers over time. If you're extra desperate for some *good* reason, you MAY be able to ask someone very politely to approve things a bit faster.... but be polite. us Janitors are typically pretty busy and we're volunteers, so we may be at work, at school, visiting family, etc.

But mostly? I like to think we're pretty on the ball. Just be patient <3

Updated by anonymous

Dutchnoob said:
I think I've proven that I'm not posting maliciously.

Maybe if you had asked a admin politely(with more than a single sentence) if it could be increased, but since you decided to go out and say "I've proven myself", the answer is no.

Updated by anonymous

Chaser said:
Maybe if you had asked a admin politely(with more than a single sentence) if it could be increased, but since you decided to go out and say "I've proven myself", the answer is no.

I’m not going to beg. e621 needs to hire more staff. How many active post approvers are there? There are hundreds (possibly thousands) of posts a day, seems like too much for just a couple people to deal with.

Updated by anonymous

Dutchnoob said:
I’m not going to beg. e621 needs to hire more staff. How many active post approvers are there? There are hundreds (possibly thousands) of posts a day, seems like too much for just a couple people to deal with. two of which on this list I think are gone? I could be wrong. I've never seen them or talked with them. 1 is a utility account, and 1 is a bot. So subtract 4. Rest are active.

Also admins do approvals sometimes. I mostly focus on approvals and tickets. I know a few other admins do approvals as well.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

You don't get special treatment. Go through the same hoops everyone else does.

Updated by anonymous

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