Topic: Looking for artwork to animate

Posted under General

I'm learning how to program with Godot Engine and with the 3.1 update skeletal animation is now built-in, but I'm a programmer and my art skill are next to none, pixel art would look really weird when bent with this style of animation and tracing isn't allowed here, so my question is: does anyone know an artist that are OK with other people animating their artwork? Or if you are an artist can I have your permission to animate something you made?

About the artwork, since the skeletal animation bends everything it can't have background (unless you sent me the character and the background separately) same goes for dildos/dicks (although if it's just the tip that's penetrating, it can be animated without any weird bending).

I would really like some feedback on the animations and I can't do that if I'm not allowed to upload it, I won't charge anything but it might take some time to animate it, because I don't have a stable amount of time per day to do this and technically, it would be a game, so the best I can do with Godot right now is record the "game" and then upload the video (I can export to HTML5, but I haven't done this yet and E621 don't support it).


I'd suggest approaching artists that you want to animate the art of and asking permission. As different artists don't like people messing with their stuff, and it could effect you negatively if you don't ask. While on the other hand you could end up effectively making collaborations and building relationships with artists, which would effect you positively. Just some food for thought.

Updated by anonymous

Versperus said:
I'd suggest approaching artists that you want to animate the art of and asking permission. As different artists don't like people messing with their stuff, and it could effect you negatively if you don't ask. While on the other hand you could end up effectively making collaborations and building relationships with artists, which would effect you positively. Just some food for thought.

I know, I messed up what I meant with my question, I really wanted to know which artists are willing to allow other people to animated their art so I could approach them.

Chirmaya said:
What kind of subject matter and poses are you after? Most of the stuff I can offer is cub, but I have some CG stuff like this:

I'm up for animating anything right know, as long as it doesn't involve anything like scat, death or something like that.

Updated by anonymous

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