Topic: Question about old forum topics and necroposting

Posted under General

Someone responded to a 2 year old topic recently, and I checked the oldest topics on the forum, just for fun. They date back to 2008, and all the people that were active in those discussions are either banned or inactive.

So, should we lock all of those prehistoric topics, or leave them as-is? And while we're at it, should we add an auto-lock feature for topics that are few years old, to prevent necroposting?

Updated by SnowWolf

nah. there are cases when necroing is okay. for example old tag discussion threads are okay to necro if the discussion needs to be continued for reason or another

Updated by anonymous

If you have something of value to add, then sure feel free to. (But avoid doing so if possible)
If you are intentionally looking for reasons(EG: adding "value" but with the primary intent to necropost) to bring multiple threads back from the dead, then you'll get a warning.
If you are just going to shitpost in them, then no.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

If a thread is "for fun" (favorite kinks, favorite characters, forum games, etc)... probably don't bump it.

If a thread is about some tagging stuff, maybe DO bump it. Sometimes it's better to start a new thread and link the other one.

But... not only would locking all those "prehistoric topics" take time.... it would also be .... well, silly. Those conversations involving banned and inactive people does not mean those conversations are not worth having or listening to.

Updated by anonymous

SnowWolf said:
If a thread is "for fun" (favorite kinks, favorite characters, forum games, etc)... probably don't bump it.

But you don't like dupe threads either. Is the topic just off-limits forever?

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

MyNameIsOver20charac said:
But you don't like dupe threads either. Is the topic just off-limits forever?

Speaking as me and not a member of the staff ... I think we general discourage forum games (Ban the User Above You Game went on for over 700 pages!) but... conversational topics are... hit or miss. Kinda keep the creepy rule in mind, I guess.

but i'd say--again, not as staff, just via observation-- that it's probably okay to start a new forum thread, as long as it's a good topic. just the offtopic section of the forum probably can get a pretty good idea of what a good chat topic is or isn't.

so, I'd say, don't bump it, if it's, like, years old. It always boggles me when I see a 6 year old forum thread bumped with, like a 3 word reply about something silly (first furry movie? etc)

THat said, don't want to see those threads appearing every few months either.

Updated by anonymous

I was surprised that the "furry archive" post didn't get locked pretty much as soon as it was necro'd, to be honest. Because it was a couple years old and it struck me (personally) as kinda creepy that someone felt the need to necro that.

But, shrug. It's not my house, I'm just a guest.

Updated by anonymous

Wait, how is thread necroing creepy? I know it's namesake is kinda frowned upon but science indicates that thread essence is so simple that a Thread Soul suffers no long-term side effects, or even discomfort, from Simple Resurrection. Thread necromancy is harmless.


Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

MyNameIsOver20charac said:
Wait, how is thread necroing creepy? I know it's namesake is kinda frowned upon but science indicates that thread essence is so simple that a Thread Soul suffers no long-term side effects, or even discomfort, from Simple Resurrection. Thread necromancy is harmless.


Can I jsut say you are one of my favorite people?

I mean, the essence may take no damage, but many people report that their resurrected threads seem.... a bit off. Just not quite themselves anymore.

It's likely a result of seeing so many long-gone faces in a familiar shell, acting like nothing's changed, when so much has.

Then, of course, there is that rare exception where the resurrected individual has trouble dealing with their newly-alive status and goes on a murderous brain-eating rampage.... but that is pretty uncommon.

I mean, without someone intervening, I mean. Unchecked destruction is exceptionally rare, especially if you keep an eye out for the potential warning signs.

Updated by anonymous

SnowWolf said:

I mean, the essence may take no damage, but many people report that their resurrected threads seem.... a bit off. Just not quite themselves anymore.

Okay true, I could definitely see that happening *grumbles* sloppy necromancer newbies...

ahem anyway, so if I want to discuss a casual topic that has a >2 year old thread, it's still better to conjure a fresh one than to drag the old one back from the death realm?

Can I jsut say you are one of my favorite people?

post #812642

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

MyNameIsOver20charac said:
Okay true, I could definitely see that happening *grumbles* sloppy necromancer newbies...

Y-yeah! Sloppy... newbies. Yes. Only newbies. *hides the groaning dead in the closet

ahem anyway, so if I want to discuss a casual topic that has a >2 year old thread, it's still better to conjure a fresh one than to drag the old one back from the death realm?

I'd probably use your best judgement... but, like... if the thread was only a few posts long, necroing might be better? Or if you want to say something Considerably Different in the first post?

I honestly wouldn't worry too much.

we don't actually lock that many 'off topic' threads...

Here's an example of what we've locked over the last few months...

(for reference, this is a quote while "this is a paraphrasing".)



"Who has a fetish for this SPECIFIC character and why?"
Any tips for getting better at erp?
"Hallo. I am Russian spambot, here to spam you with russian spambot messages."
"Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?"


  • "tell me about the best parts of your high school gym class."
For science purpose, I need to gather e621 favorites with their owner's D/s side.

"Discord made me mad so I'm leaving, and calling them bad words, and they're infringing upon muh freedoms, and everything is awful"
do you want to do a collab of (Sets)
"I redid my patereon page! again! What do you think??"
"Happy birthday. For reasons having nothing to do with your account information, what's your birthday?"
"Man, look at this youtube video that made me angry. He called furries the scum of the earth. LETS GO HARASS HIM"
"I was looking for a band on here, but on one's made any art about them. I was hoping to find this very specific thing type of art. *insert passive aggressive stare here.*"
Why do people hate me? I mean is it because i'm a GURL or is it because I am casually hated wherever my shadow doth darken. This status causes my heart much pain and I find myself pining for days when life was simple, if challenging, before I returned from the Darkest of Voids. Nono, Speaketh ye not! For I shall not listen to your slanderous ideas! There is nothing wrong with my my linguistic countenance, I am simply learning how those of the common era communicate effectively."

So... I wouldn't fret too much. :)

Updated by anonymous

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