Topic: Trouble with specific Blacklist syntax

Posted under General


I'm having quite a bit of trouble with a certain set of tags I've been trying to use, and was hoping to get some help. I've searched the blacklist page many times and didn't see a solution to my issue unless I'm simply not understanding.

Example: Say I want to blacklist explicit results for the tag "feral_on_feral" unless it has the tag "dragon" OR "pokemon" in it.

So, using the syntax of: rating:e feral_on_feral -dragon -pokemon won't work since that means a post needs both dragon AND pokemon in it to show up.

And breaking them up into separate lines like this:
rating:e feral_on_feral -dragon
rating:e feral_on_feral -pokemon
will just cause the lines to essentially cancel each other out. So instead of displaying what I want, the blacklist acts as if I've just input rating:e feral_on_feral, and removes results altogether.

And since the variations of the tag I do want to see are so small, it would be too much of a space waster to try doing the reverse and blocking each version of the tag I don't want to see.

Is there a solution to my issue? Or am I just sol? Thanks!


rating:e feral_on_feral -dragon -pokemon

should be blacklisting all rating:e feral_on_feral unless they contain dragon OR pokemon; multiple - prefix in blacklisting acts as an "or", not an "and". I use this sort of syntax in my blacklisting just fine, so you shouldn't be having issue with that kind of syntax if entered in properly. Straight from the blacklist help page:

fox -wolf -lion

This one is a bit more complicated: This would hide all fox images that do not have wolves, or do not have lions. So a picture of fox alone, or a fox and a bear/goat/horse/etc would be removed, but a fox and a lion, or a fox and a wolf would be kept.

Updated by anonymous

I'll try the syntax you suggested once again! I have tried it in the past, but it didn't seem to work correctly. However, I'm not the best at this, so perhaps I did just type it in wrong. Wouldn't be the first time.

Thanks for your patience!

Updated by anonymous

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