Topic: Even though this is tag what you see, if I own the character can I tag based off offsite info?

Posted under General

Things ike bi, or for certain types of vore or penetration if it isn't clear, or things like male if it's just the guy's torso?

Updated by Versperus


Former Staff

You can tag their name. That's basically the only bit of outside info allowed for character tagging.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

No. I know that seems counterintuitive, but e6 isn't trying to perfectly reflect the artist or commissioner's intensions. It's literally just trying to tag what's in the picture. And not tag anything that's not in the picture.

Updated by anonymous

While you can't tag based on outside information, you can add outside information into the description. If it's a large chunk, please put it into a \[section] though.

Updated by anonymous



When talking about TWYS I often think it's good to talk about blacklists as well.

So if a character is female, but looks male, then they'll still get tagged as male.

If someone blacklists male, they're more saying "I don't want to see things that 'appear' male", rather than blacklisting the actual gender.

The blacklist just wouldn't work without TWYS.

I'll agree it's not a great solution, but you can add "lore tags" to the description, such as "lore_female" for people to search. It's not much, but at least it's something.

Updated by anonymous

ScalieLover21 said:
Even if it's my own character?

You can use the description area to state what you want and stuff.

But for means of tagging, no outside sources are used in tagging

Updated by anonymous

What the others have said is correct: Tags don't allow outside information, at all. If you want to state information that doesn't belong into the tags you can either use the description, the wiki page for the character tag, or leave a comment.

Updated by anonymous

Pupslut said:
If someone blacklists male, they're more saying "I don't want to see things that 'appear' male", rather than blacklisting the actual gender.

I feel like I have to preface this with a statement that I understand why TWYS has to exist.
But if anything, where gender is concerned I've seen more people care about artist intent than what's visible.

Updated by anonymous

You can still put what your character is, in the posts description and the character wiki for the character if you want though.

Updated by anonymous

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