Topic: Hello! New member here!

Posted under General

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Hello everyone. For years, i have been browsing this site as a guest. Have come across my fair share of this art gallery. And i decided to make myself an account.

Just putting this out there, i am not an artist. I can draw shapes but cannot give them detail.

Updated by KiraNoot

Babycake said: I can draw shapes but cannot give them detail.

But details are just little shapes on top of your shape

Updated by anonymous

Seems they deactivated over getting a report over a creepy comment.

For that, I bid them "Adieu", and I wish them best on their other, chaster endeavours.

user_434535 said:
Hello everyone. For years, i have been browsing this site as a guest. Have come across my fair share of this art gallery. And i decided to make myself an account.

Just putting this out there, i am not an artist. I can draw shapes but cannot give them detail.

welcome to the site, I'm glad you made an account <3
enjoy your time here as if you were a guest, have fun~

blkreit said:
welcome to the site, I'm glad you made an account <3
enjoy your time here as if you were a guest, have fun~

They deactivated their account; it implies they left the site by their own volition.

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