Topic: Images not showing on Internet Explorer

Posted under General

Hello I need help! The e621 is working fine there is the tags and everything but there is no images in the post as well when I type to search for the ones I'm looking for. Back in the past the video also can play but they stopped working so I never use them.

They still can work fine on google chrome and handphone as well but i'm so use on internet explorer that I need help.

I mean... I think the problem is Internet Explorer. IE is a very poor browser, you may wish to stick with Chrome or the browser your phone uses instead.

Internet Explorer is a total joke for a decade. Countless memes should have given you the hint to avoid it.
Some are even here, like post #230641
Don't use internet explorer.
The only use for internet explorer is to download another browser (like Chrome or firefox) to replace it.

xaeva said:
so there's no way to fix it?

looks like the reason it's failing is right here:

the for of loop is getting compiled down to for(var a,r=t[Symbol.iterator]();!(e=(;e=!0), but internet explorer doesn't define Symbol, or any iterator methods, so it throws an exception and the blacklist initialisation code never completes.
since it's an array, replacing the iteration with a simple incremental for loop should at least fix that part.

a workaround is to disable javascript entirely; you could do this in 'internet options' → 'security' → 'restricted sites' → 'sites' → add https://* ; but the blacklist will not work at all, nor will any other javascript-based features.

as others have said, don't use IE at all unless you have a very good reason.

bipface said:
looks like the reason it's failing is right here:

the for of loop is getting compiled down to for(var a,r=t[Symbol.iterator]();!(e=(;e=!0), but internet explorer doesn't define Symbol, or any iterator methods, so it throws an exception and the blacklist initialisation code never completes.
since it's an array, replacing the iteration with a simple incremental for loop should at least fix that part.

a workaround is to disable javascript entirely; you could do this in 'internet options' → 'security' → 'restricted sites' → 'sites' → add https://* ; but the blacklist will not work at all, nor will any other javascript-based features.

as others have said, don't use IE at all unless you have a very good reason.

Wow, somebody actually traced down the exact cause. I'm both impressed and thankful. It looks like the babel config might be broken, or misconfigured. On the other hand, even if fixed to explicitly support IE11, it's going to break in other areas and really, please, stop using IE, it doesn't support any security features that you should be using at this point, and most of the CSS will be broken on it, so you're just pushing the problem along to another point.

kiranoot said:
Wow, somebody actually traced down the exact cause.

it's funny, the javascript debugger is actually the best feature in IE; much more capable than you'd expect

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