Topic: Creepy comments out of control

Posted under General

Kinda don't think anyone is actually going to give a shit. Not everything posted on this website is good. Not everything deserves appreciation. This isn't fucking Youtube. If I like something I like something and if I hate it I hate it. ๐Ÿ–•๐Ÿ–•๐Ÿ–•๐Ÿ–•

Title mentions creepy comments, but the message seems to be a complaint about wanting to complain?
post #647739
was hoping to find a derpy "I'm confus" pic, but this will have to do

kurogi_foxsiv said:
Okay, but you don't have to say you hate something here, let's just relax.

I kinda get a little flustered when my opinions are rejected followed by citations. I specifically can't talk to other people on this website being almost impossible so I just leave witty comments and now it's unwanted attention.

Dude, you didn't even get a negative record for either of the things you got bapped for. Calm your tits.

"Hey, I like this!" is fine. "I'll stick my dick in that" is not.

douglas0828 said:
This vomit worthy please don't make me expand my blacklist I really like this series but this crap makes me cringe. >:(

Blacklists are pretty majorly customizable at that. If you feel like there's a certain problem with the image, suggest improving upon that, otherwise you can ask what you could blacklist that is specific to that issue and not the series at large. id:2221365 would directly blacklist that one image, for example. Witcher_3 human_only and witcher_3 human_focus could get rid of nonfurry images. lerico213 would blacklist the artist himself.

douglas0828 said:
I kinda get a little flustered when my opinions are rejected followed by citations. I specifically can't talk to other people on this website being almost impossible so I just leave witty comments and now it's unwanted attention.

Well yeah, I kind of know how you feel, since I was in a similar position like you.ใ€€Not just here but sometimes I thought it would be better not to do(say, comment) anything.ใ€€Of course, there is more to be gained by making some actions rather than that.ใ€€Now I understand this is what "the Internet" is, though.


douglas0828 said:
I kinda get a little flustered when my opinions are rejected followed by citations. I specifically can't talk to other people on this website being almost impossible so I just leave witty comments and now it's unwanted attention.

Well the problem being that you need to make it obvious that the comment is intended to be a joke, and try to phrase it in a way such that it can't be misconstrued as a creepy comment. An easy way to do this is to avoid using first person, as well as not mentioning yourself or your personal desires in the comment. Believe me when I say I've had similar experiences, and I've found out (sometimes the hard way) that at the end of the day it is the writer's responsibility to communicate their intentions as clearly as possible, not the reader's responsibility to try to reach that particular conclusion when faced with ambiguity. To be quite honest, this isn't so easy to do, especially if you're trying to use irony or sarcasm in your comment, so I would suggest you err on the side of caution when posting such things on this website in particular, as the punishments for making such mistakes are a bit on the severe side.

binagon said:
at the end of the day it is the writer's responsibility to communicate their intentions as clearly as possible, not the reader's responsibility to try to reach that particular conclusion when faced with ambiguity. To be quite honest, this isn't so easy to do, especially if you're trying to use irony or sarcasm

welcome to the wonderfully stressful world of creative writing

Let me guess, you made some witty comment and chuckled at your own geniuses only to be met with downvotes and then got a citation for being super creepy cause either your joke sucked or it just went over peoples heads than a Mod "cough" Milcore usually "cough" gave you a citation? Sometimes I think Millcore isn't even human incapable of understanding humor... chill Mill it's a joke

Yeah, that happens pal... raise a toat to ya comrade.

binagon said:
Well the problem being that you need to make it obvious that the comment is intended to be a joke, and try to phrase it in a way such that it can't be misconstrued as a creepy comment. An easy way to do this is to avoid using first-person, as well as not mentioning yourself or your personal desires in the comment. Believe me when I say I've had similar experiences, and I've found out (sometimes the hard way) that at the end of the day it is the writer's responsibility to communicate their intentions as clearly as possible, not the reader's responsibility to try to reach that particular conclusion when faced with ambiguity. To be quite honest, this isn't so easy to do, especially if you're trying to use irony or sarcasm in your comment, so I would suggest you err on the side of caution when posting such things on this website in particular, as the punishments for making such mistakes are a bit on the severe side.

Binagon the JOKE Prince, can't say he's the king but I know he's a well-known figure here, gonna miss when Mods ban his comments and silence him cause they can't grasp his divine jokes. I take after him...or try to at least.

As I speak about him as if he's not here, even though this is literally directed at him, or maybe...just maybe...the Charizard never existed...

closetpossum said:
Let me guess, you made some witty comment and chuckled at your own geniuses only to be met with downvotes and then got a citation for being super creepy cause either your joke sucked or it just went over peoples heads than a Mod "cough" Milcore usually "cough" gave you a citation? Sometimes I think Millcore isn't even human incapable of understanding humor... chill Mill it's a joke

Yeah, that happens pal... raise a toat to ya comrade.

Binagon the JOKE Prince, can't say he's the king but I know he's a well-known figure here, gonna miss when Mods ban his comments and silence him cause they can't grasp his divine jokes. I take after him...or try to at least.

As I speak about him as if he's not here, even though this is literally directed at him, or maybe...just maybe...the Charizard never existed...

who knew that e6 commenters were the most oppressed out of everyone

strikerman said:
who knew that e6 commenters were the most oppressed out of everyone

Yeah, we're kinda oppressed and we always gotta sweat when we make jokes. We literally risk our accounts just to make people laugh. What's so bad about that. Sometimes "Creepy Comments" and "RP" is totally subjective and Mods can't take a joke (a certain one Mod) it's a problem and sometimes, I like to be a funny man, but as you can see by my OWN records, the ones that are due to RP, I try to remain radio silent till 6months when my profile gets cleared out.

I'd like to talk to MODS about this, but I find it really hard to contact them, personal DMs barely get a respond, imo, and I rather not risk my account making a forum post about this if it turns out I'd be breaking a rule for inciting some kind of drama.

Some of us, I'll speak for myself, just want to come on here and Upvote/Fav some art. Maybe crack a joke or two, and contribute to the site by uploading artists work and give them some free publicity.

closetpossum said:
Yeah, we're kinda oppressed and we always gotta sweat when we make jokes. We literally risk our accounts just to make people laugh. What's so bad about that. Sometimes "Creepy Comments" and "RP" is totally subjective and Mods can't take a joke (a certain one Mod) it's a problem and sometimes, I like to be a funny man, but as you can see by my OWN records, the ones that are due to RP, I try to remain radio silent till 6months when my profile gets cleared out.

I'd like to talk to MODS about this, but I find it really hard to contact them, personal DMs barely get a respond, imo, and I rather not risk my account making a forum post about this if it turns out I'd be breaking a rule for inciting some kind of drama.

Some of us, I'll speak for myself, just want to come on here and Upvote/Fav some art. Maybe crack a joke or two, and contribute to the site by uploading artists work and give them some free publicity.

Spoiler. Those "jokes and RP" was scaruing users and especially artists away from the site when the rules were not implemented.

closetpossum said:
Yeah, we're kinda oppressed and we always gotta sweat when we make jokes. We literally risk our accounts just to make people laugh. What's so bad about that. Sometimes "Creepy Comments" and "RP" is totally subjective and Mods can't take a joke (a certain one Mod) it's a problem and sometimes, I like to be a funny man, but as you can see by my OWN records, the ones that are due to RP, I try to remain radio silent till 6months when my profile gets cleared out.

I'd like to talk to MODS about this, but I find it really hard to contact them, personal DMs barely get a respond, imo, and I rather not risk my account making a forum post about this if it turns out I'd be breaking a rule for inciting some kind of drama.

Some of us, I'll speak for myself, just want to come on here and Upvote/Fav some art. Maybe crack a joke or two, and contribute to the site by uploading artists work and give them some free publicity.

Like I mentioned before, it's up to the commenter to phrase the joke appropriately such as to make it funny without making it sound creepy. It's a risk you gotta take based on your own writing ability, instead of weather or not people will be able to understand that what was written was intended to be a joke. While I don't always agree with moderator actions, they usually make decent calls when it comes to this sorta thing.

Although I do agree that sometimes it can be difficult to contact mods, they usually get back to me eventually. That being said, make sure that you have a solid argument to repeal the flag, just saying "it was a joke" generally isn't sufficient to convince them, for the reasons stated before. Make sure you reflect upon the comment and try to identify why the mod may have come to that conclusion.

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