Topic: This place is perfect duality

Posted under General

I love this site, one day you could see the cutest thing ever, and the next? super gore porn. but hey aint that what makes the internet special?

100% this, yes. There's something interesting for every mood and it's never boring! There's always something new too.

furrypickle said:
100% this, yes. There's something interesting for every mood and it's never boring! There's always something new too.

Its cozy, like a bed of nails

That's a boon for open minded people with art and/or porn, good thing for some who aren't there is the blacklist...

You know, my mama always said, e6 is like a box of chocolate. You'll never know what you're gonna get.

Perfect duality would imply an equal amount of content. Alas, there's not enough gore.

The best part is, you can take sides

Hexen up there wants more gore. I blacklisted it.

I think gore is cool, but not hot, which for some reason it’s hard to find non sexualized skull shattering.

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